Jack Detroit's Strange Month: Live Streaming

今週のテーマ: 私のちょっと変わった趣味

Jack Detroit

I have seen some interesting hobbies on Tutor Column. I like to think I have one of the strangest yet really inspiring hobbies. I am a live streamer.

Some of you know I have a YouTube Live stream three times a month. Sometimes I post videos on my FB group  and at Hapa Buddies. And sometimes I stream on Twitch. 

Live streaming makes me feel like a radio show host, a talk show host, and a DJ. Most importantly, I get to share my stories with an online community...and make new ones along the way. I have learned important life lessons, experienced great victories and sad defeats, and saw people change into better role models.

Come hang out with me at esljack.stream, and let's share stories together!

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