Favorite Movie Character

今週のテーマ: 私の推しの映画キャラクター!

Audrey オードリー

This week's topic is "favorite movie character".  It looks like an easy topic to write about, but it isn't.
I have been thinking about which movie character I want to pick.  My first choice was Snow White.  
I have liked Snow White since I was a kid because she is cute.  That's all.  There is no other reason, and no matter how long I have sat in front of my computer trying to come up with more interesting things to write, nothing came out.  
Sometimes we like a character mainly because of how the person looks.
My daughter said she liked Mr. Spock, the character in Star Trek, because he "has triangular eyebrows".   
Well, for the purpose of this column, we have to pick one character only and write about it, so I switched from Snow White to Uchiha Sasuke in Naruto.
Sasuke is an interesting character.  Compared to the ever so annoying Naruto who gives me a headache ever time he appears, Sasuke is refreshing.  
He doesn't talk much in the show.  He is good looking and demonstrates great ninjutsu skills.  As the story developes, his hatred increases and he falls to darkness.  For male characters, I tend to like the quiet, strong, determined, arrogant and bad boy type.
Most people like the main character in a movie - the good person.  The main character is usually well-liked, kind hearted, friendly, maybe talking too much...and good things always happen to the main character.  At least, in North American movies, they do.
When I was growing up, I began to switch from favoring the good movie characters to the villains. In the Snow White story, I now find the evil stepmother more interesting than Snow White herself.  I wonder what draws me to evil characters now.

Wouldn't it interesting if the villain kills the main character in a movie?  

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