Thread and Needle: My New Thing

今週のテーマ: お家時間が増えたことで生まれた新しい趣味

Pilar Barrera

During the pandemic I have been mostly at home, doing everything from home. I’m Ok with that. I’m used to be independent and to work on my own. I’ve always had hobbies and things to do, but I reached a point in which I didn’t know what else to do… I wanted to find something else, and against all odds, I found… embroidery! I had always dreaded picking up a needle, and I never thought I would even want to do it. But here I am! I’m learning and amazed at how many things you can do with a needle! Many more are coming, and I know this is the beginning of a long journey! Here is my first project: it even has a fairy tale in it, doesn't it?


コメント (3)

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  • Nameera

    That's incredible!

  • Pilar Barrera

    Thank you veryt much Mai1205. You're very kind!

  • Mai1205

    That's amazing! I can't believe that this is your first work. You're good with your hands.

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スペイン語   ネイティブ
英語   ネイティブ級
ポルトガル語   不便を感じない
日本語   日常会話程度

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