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MY TOPIC THIS WEEK: '6 Stress Management Techniques for The Busy Entrepreneur'

Teacher Dante

To be a successful entrepreneur, you must learn to manage your stress. Most stress is natural, but too much or adopting poor management techniques can hinder your success. While you may not avoid it altogether, you can control your environments, reactions, and situations to control better or manage it.




1. Indulge in Self-Care and Alone Time


Take breaks and take care of yourself. No matter how successful your business is, you can’t embrace it if you don’t adopt a healthy lifestyle or enjoy the things that genuinely make you happy in life.


Eventually, your business will suffer as you continue to let your stress make poor decisions. Instead, always schedule in breaks and never feel guilty for taking vacations.


2. Enjoy and Make Time for Loved Ones


Make time to be available for the people you care about. You don’t need to focus on business all the time to be successful. In fact, this is how most people get burnout, which often leads to more stress and depression. Research shows that spending time with loved ones gives you time to relax and provides the emotional support you need to overcome many life challenges.


3. Embrace Your Emotions


In other words, don’t always hold them back. Permit yourself space and time to feel each emotion, truly and honestly. The more time you can spend time recognizing emotions instead of pushing them away, the better you’ll be clued into why.


Understanding your feelings will give you the information you need to reduce your stress better. When you highlight the exact reasons for your stress, you can better plan around it or avoid it altogether.


4. Update Your Perspective


Look at your challenges or stress from another perspective. Instead of looking at the negative aspects, highlight what you can learn and gain from it instead.


5. Practice Gratitude


Giving and directing your goals on others for a moment is shown to reduce stress and other health problems like depression and even stroke-risking high blood pressure. Taking a moment to reflect on the things you are grateful for has the same effect.


6. Try Box Breathing

 Box Breathing Technique — Maimonides Emergency Medicine Residency

This is a great technique to use at any moment you feel overwhelmed or overly stressed. Start by sitting up straight and slowly exhale through your mouth for four seconds, completely emptying your lungs. Then slowly and deeply inhale from your nose for another count of four seconds.


Hold your breath for four seconds and then repeat the process holding your breath in-between each exhale and inhale. As you inhale and exhale, think about how your lungs fill up with oxygen and how it feels leaving your lungs. As you continue to do this, you will feel your body temperature get back to normal, your blood pressure regulating, and a sense of relaxation sweep over your body.


Don’t let stress be the reason you fall behind in meeting your goals or lack the energy you had in the past. You have more control than you think. All you need are the proper techniques, such as the ones discussed above.




“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” - William JameS


“Stress acts as an accelerator: it will push you either forward or backward, you choose which direction.” - Chelsea Erieau


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What feels manageable for you at the moment and how can you best look after yourself?


I'll see you in class,


PS: I've had many students ask about classes regarding the topics I write about, feel free to send me a message if you're interesting in writing or want to discuss any topics you've seen here

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