Being a Tutor: Always a Unique Experience

今週のテーマ: 講師という仕事の一番良いところは何だと思いますか?

Pilar Barrera

The best thing about being a tutor is knowing that every single lesson is a unique experience. Every student is a new world; I love sharing with my students and learning about their own experiences. This is what makes each lesson different and wonderful. You probably know that I love literature, and students ask me to read with them different books. This makes these lessons fantastic as we discuss not only the book, but we also relate it to our lives and experiences. The same book can be seen completely different by another person. Every lesson is like walking a new path: where will we go? what will we see? where will it lead us?

Every student and every lesson is a new path of discovery, and, as in Robert Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken”, this “has made all the difference”.


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スペイン語   ネイティブ
英語   ネイティブ級
ポルトガル語   不便を感じない
日本語   日常会話程度

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