My Move to Indiana and Purdue University

Arthur Heffelfinger

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am moving across the United States from Montana to Indiana (nearly 2500 km) in August.  Consequently, I will be unavailable for any lessons from July 23d through August 21st.

I look forward to working with you again, and please feel free to contact me via Skype (even during this move time) if you have a specific question or are in need of emergency assistance (a suddenly scheduled English interview, etc.). 
This move will offer me more tutoring opportunities in addition to Cafetalk.  In any case, I will continue to offer English and Russian lessons on the Cafetalk platform.  Also, I will write additional tutor columns which I hope you will find useful.
Art Heffelfinger

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英語   ネイティブ
ロシア語   日常会話程度
スペイン語   カタコト

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