Easy Reading! Best Summer Drink

今週のテーマ: 夏のベストフードとドリンク

Savannah W

Hello! My name is Savannah. Let’s practice some easy reading!

It’s hot now! We needto drink a lot of water. Some people drink beer. Some people drink cold tea. In my hometown, we drink tea, too! We drink sweet tea.

Sweet tea?! It’s really good! But, yes, it is sweet. How do you make it?

First, make hot black tea. Make the tea really strong. While its still hot, add sugar! You can add sugar to taste. (My mom adds 1 cup of sugar in 4 cups of tea!) After that, put it in a big pitcher. Fill the pitcher with some cold water. This will help the flavor. Then, put it in the refrigerator. After a while, serve over ice

It’s a popular drink in my hometown, Texas. It’s also popular in many southern states. You should try it one day!

What’s your favorite summer food or drink? Let’s talk about it!

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Hometown- city I am from 出身

Strong- a lot of flavor ??濃い

Add- put on/in 入れる

Add…to taste- add what you like 好きまで入れる

Pitcher- a big bottle to serve drinks ピッチャー

Flavor- like sweet, sour, spicy, etc. 味

Refrigerator- holds cold food 冷蔵庫

Serve over …- add on the top 氷とかご飯とかの上で盛り付ける

Popular- many people like 人気がある

Southern- in the south area 南の方


Need to…-You should do しないといけない

How do you make it?-the way to make どうやって作りますか。

Make- (imperative form) Please, (you) make 命令形 作って

# cup of- Counting for sugar OO#カップ

While…-same time 〜うちに

After a while- please wait! 1 hour or more. しばらくし


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