Hannah N
2025 年 3 月 2 日
Sticky toffee pudding - a British dessert
Sticky toffee pudding is my favourite British dessert, and one of my all time favourite British foo...
Hannah N
Detective books - fun to travel with to the beach or on any holiday!
I love to take a book with me when I go travelling, however, often I find it difficult to concentra...
Hannah N
Hi everyone! I will be doing a live seminar on Cafetalk about the history of Buckingham Palace, in ...
Hannah N
Scotland's traditional food - haggis
January 25th is a special day in Scotland, it's called Robert Burns Day. Robert Burns is the name o...
Hannah N
大家好!我是Leelee。 学了日语当然也很希望能够交到日本朋友,这样便自然有机会去练习自己的日语了。那么怎么样才能跟日本人做朋友呢?!在很多地方,日本人跟中国人的想法还是不一样的。 今天跟大家...
大家好!我是Leelee,来自中国的南京,2000年到日本留学以后就一直定居在日本。 去年六月中旬起来到本站教学,已经快十个月了。 目前跟我学日语的学员均来自台湾、马来西亚及中国大陆,差不多有二...
Have you ever wanted to listen to the article you have just read?
Sometimes, I find it beneficial to hear the content I am reading. One method I use is to copy and ...
Tanya Forbes
My Favorite Teaching Tool – Conversation and Small Talk
As an ESL tutor, I often get asked, "What is the best way to improve my English?" My answer might s...
Lisa D.
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