水曜日10月3日 ~ Food for thought ...


Here is some 'Food for thought', as I want you to have a look back at yourself ~ let me explain ...

Wow, I can't believe it is October already ~ this year is just 'flying by' ~ anyway, I want you to have a look back at where you were with your English speaking ability and reading ability and listening ability etc, back in January of this year -> that's right, compare the 'now' you to the 'then' you.

This will do one of two things ~ it will show you how well you have improved (you may not see it so easily, as you are with you everyday and don't notice it) compared to back in the beginning of this year OR it you don't see that much or any real improvement, so then you need to add more practice into your daily routine, as it definitely does help!

Also, to re-write your goals might be a good thing ~ times change, goals change, you may be better at conversation but want to further improve your reading or visa-versa. Re-writing your goals on a quarterly or six-month basis will keep you on the edge-of-your-seat and constantly help give you that 'push' to keep you moving forward and improving . . .

Comments welcome ~


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英語   ネイティブ
日本語   ネイティブ級
フランス語   日常会話程度
ドイツ語   日常会話程度
オランダ語   カタコト
スペイン語   カタコト


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