C1 Speaking: Communicating Financial Insights and Solutions

1,000 ポイント
C1 English in Accounting


Communicating Financial Insights and Solutions (30 minutes)


  • To practice discussing financial data, explaining complex accounting concepts, and providing financial advice or solutions in English.
  • To develop fluency, precision in technical vocabulary, and clarity in explaining financial information.


1. Warm-up Conversation (5 minutes)

Activity: Casual business-related conversation to ease into the lesson.

  • Example Questions:
    • “Tell me about your recent work project or financial challenge at your company.”
    • “What’s the most interesting financial trend you’ve noticed recently?”
  • Focus: Financial terminology fluency and professional vocabulary.


2. Financial Scenario Role-Play (10 minutes)

Activity: Present a professional accounting scenario and ask the learner to respond as they would in their job.

  • Scenario Example: “You’re meeting with a client to explain why their company’s expenses/income/NAV is not at part with their expectations and they are asking you how you will manage these errors.”
  • Instructions:
    • Present an analysis, explaining the situation and propose mitigations to lower cost impact/damage.
    • Focus on using specific accounting terminology (e.g., “cash flow,” “profit margins,” “net asset valuation”).
  • Follow-up Questions:
    • “How would you prioritise preventing errors in the future?”
    • “What long-term check could you implement to lower the fund/client exposure?”
  • Purpose: Practice explaining complex financial data and providing clear, actionable advice using accurate vocabulary.


3. Presenting a Financial Report (10 minutes)

Activity: Present a financial report to non-accountants (e.g., a board of directors or clients unfamiliar with accounting terms).

  • Instructions:
    • Provide an outline of a financial report (Example, Client ABC has NAV delivery every Monday of each week, and these are the things we do to prepare for it).
    • Present key findings and summary of the report.
    • Use techniques to simplify complex information (e.g., analogies, plain language) without losing accuracy.
  • Example Phrases:
    • “In simple terms, our net profit increased due to…”
    • “One way to think of this is…”
  • Purpose: Enhance the ability to translate technical jargon into clear, understandable language, especially for non-expert audience/s.


4. Feedback and Reflection (5 minutes)

Activity: Provide specific feedback on the performance.

  • Focus Areas:
    • Fluency in explaining technical concepts.
    • Use of accurate accounting terminology.
    • Clarity and structure in communication.
  • Reflection: 
    • “How did you feel explaining financial concepts?”
    • “Is there any specific terminology or expression you’d like to work on?”


Homework Suggestion:

  • Task: Prepare to discuss a real financial report or case study in the next session, focusing on how you would present the key points in a meeting.
  • Purpose: Reinforce speaking skills by applying them to actual work situations.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。


Sofia Fernandez


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C1 Speaking: Communicating Financial Insights and Solutions

Sofia Fernandez

