直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前

Know English to the Core.

900 ポイント
English 2.0 (English for all)


This Lesson serves as your first step to knowing English to the core. It will make you understand the English Language more, why you need English in your life, and what you should focus on learning it. Here you will know the basic purpose of learning the Language. What you have to focus on or to improve to become a good and fluent English speaker. There are four skills that a speaker should possess; listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with the base of a large vocabulary and good grammar. 

This lesson is also for all individuals as English is the Language of our international communication in all areas, such as politics, science, media, or art also it is often the language of entertainment and socializing. A good command of English helps us have more opportunities in life, especially in our future careers. Whether you aim to travel widely, learn about other cultures, socialize more easily with native speakers and other students, become an entrepreneur, work internationally, or study abroad, building strong English skills will help you achieve these goals. 

In teaching, I want to build a good rapport with my students, and their comfort, progress, and goals are my top priorities. This lesson is good for Beginners, high schoolers, Junior High, Intermediate, Teens,  Adults, and P
rofessionals who want to know English more.



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