David Raath What do you want to learn?

What do you want to learn?

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Lets talk about what you want to learn about English.


In this lesson, we'll discuss what you want to learn. You can also ask me questions about my experience and teaching style. 

At the end of the lesson, I will understand the level of English you have and also understand what you would like to learn.

You can learn anything you like - conversation English about any topic, professional English, reading, writing, listening, speaking or improve your grammar and vocabulary.   

Once I have understood what kind of English you want to focus on, I will set up lessons for you personally. 

The aim of this lesson is help you figure out what you can improve on and what the lessons should focus on. 

I can also recommend many ways that you can work on your English skills on your own. 

Looking forward to learning more about you and what you would like to learn. 

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