直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前

Open Conversation

1,900 ポイント
Got something on your mind? Practice English with me through open conversation. I'll chat with you on any topic!


For this lesson, you and I will have an open conversation where anything goes! Please talk to me about anything you wish. 

When you request the lesson, I will ask you to fill out a short questionnaire about your background and interests.
Please answer the questions so I can have some hints about what you'd like to talk about. 

If you have something specific you would like to talk about, feel free to tell me :) This conversation is yours!
If this is the case, I would appreciate you let me know the topic before the lesson so that I can read about it or learn more before our chat!

この講師の キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の 12時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
  • レッスン開始時刻の 12-24時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。

