ashleyjayne B2B Effective Conversation With Clients, Coworkers & Supervisors – Part 1

B2B Effective Conversation With Clients, Coworkers & Supervisors – Part 1

50 分鐘 X 4
4 堂課程包
每堂 1,100 點
With a good grasp of English, you will be able to communicate with visitors, clients and colleagues easily and confidently!


此為 4 堂課程的課程包。當講師確定第 1 堂課程預約後,另外 3 堂將會以優惠券的形式自動發送供之後預約使用。請注意,課程包優惠券使用期限為第 1 堂課程時間後的 3 天內

課程應按時間順序預約,即第 2 堂課程的時間應在第 1 堂之後。以此類推。


With the right English vocabulary, you can communicate your ideas and suggestions more effectively and professionally. It can also help you better understand instructions or tasks, as well as navigate any potential conflicts or misunderstandings. It is important to be able to communicate effectively with prospects, clients, and colleagues. 

To do this, you must learn the specific words and phrases that will help you carry out your day-to-day work.

  Lesson 1 :
At reception

 How to greet new visitors
How to have small talk with visitors
How to assist visitors at the company
Reception phrases to use with visitors

Lesson 2 :
Describing what you do to clients in the meeting room.
Asking somebody about their profession
Talk about your work and responsibilities.

Lesson 3 :
Learn what people like by asking them.
Small talk
Ask if things are okay.
Tips: American English lingo vs British English

Lesson 4 :
Ask for information via email.
how to inquire via email
Write and explain what you need in a formal email.

see you in class!(:

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