直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前
Harvard Business Review: Decode & Discuss (25% OFF)
1回あたり 1,125 ポイント
Learn to converse more intellectually about current affairs related to the business world by reading, simplifying, and discussing hot articles from the HBR.
これは合計4回のパックレッスンです。初回のリクエスト確定時に、全回数分のポイントが消費されると同時に、残り3 回分の「100%OFFクーポン」が自動発行されます。パックレッスンの2回目以降はそのクーポンをご利用でリクエストしてください。なお、初回レッスン日から30日以内に全てのレッスンを受講頂くようお願いします。
Resource: Harvard Business Review (PDF)
Suitable Levels: Upper Intermediate/Advanced, GMAT, GRE, SAT
Harvard Business Review (HBR) is a highly respected magazine with articles that cover a wide range of topics which are relevant to many key areas, including but not limited to, Leadership, Organizational Change, Negotiation, Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Finance, Managing People, Business Technology, and much more.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to improve their Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Decoding, and Discussion Skills In order to better communicate about matters pertaining to the business world, especially.
Note: [FREE] PDFs will be provided.
Suitable Levels: Upper Intermediate/Advanced, GMAT, GRE, SAT
Harvard Business Review (HBR) is a highly respected magazine with articles that cover a wide range of topics which are relevant to many key areas, including but not limited to, Leadership, Organizational Change, Negotiation, Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Finance, Managing People, Business Technology, and much more.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to improve their Critical Thinking, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Decoding, and Discussion Skills In order to better communicate about matters pertaining to the business world, especially.
Note: [FREE] PDFs will be provided.
カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー
• 「未開始」のパック(1) はいつでもキャンセルが可能です。キャンセルされた場合、ポイントは全額返却されます。
※1 初回を含めて1度も確定されていないレッスンパックは「未開始」と表示されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。
※2 レッスンパックの初回リクエストが確定されると「開始済み」となり、次回以降のリクエストを行うためのクーポンが自動発行されます。
• パック全てではなく、パックに属する一つのリクエストのみキャンセルされたい場合は、通常のリクエストと同様、リクエスト詳細ページから可能です。その場合、講師の単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーに従い、リクエスト時に使用されたクーポンが返却、もしくは消費されます。講師による単発レッスンのキャンセルポリシーで定められている50%の一部返金については、レッスンパックには適用されず、講師がクーポンの返却、もしくはクーポンの消費のいずれかを選択できます。予めご了承ください。
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
Video Games Industry News (Comprehensive Discussion)
The video game industry is the economic sector involved in the development, marketing, and monetization of video games. This course has something to offer to both video game enthusiasts and industry professionals.50分 1,500P体験あり -
Video Games Industry News (Comprehensive Discussion) [25% OFF]
The video game industry is the economic sector involved in the development, marketing, and monetization of video games. This course has something to offer to both video game enthusiasts and industry professionals.50分 X 4 4,500P4回パック -
Harvard Business Review: Decode & Discuss
Learn to converse more intellectually about current affairs related to the business world by reading, simplifying, and discussing hot articles from the HBR.50分 1,500P体験あり -
Do you have something specific in mind you'd like to study? This class is for students with specific requests!50分 3,000P体験あり -
Debug Your Writing: 300 Words (NEW & IMPROVED)
Can be used for: 1) IELTS/TOEFL [Task 2] Essays; 2) Free Talk & Reading; 3) Harvard Business Review; 4) The New Yorker; 5) Scientific American; 6) Books/Movies/Shows/Anime/Games0分 1,000P -
Debug Your Writing: 1500 Words (NEW & IMPROVED) [50% OFF]
Can be combined with: 1) Free Talk & Reading: Live, Laugh, Learn; 2) IELTS/TOEFL [Task 2] Essays; 3) Harvard Business Review; 4) The New Yorker; 5) Scientific American; 6) Books/Movies/Shows/Anime/Games0分 X 5 2,500P5回パック -
Free Talk/Discussion: Reading + Listening + Speaking
***Great especially for first-timers, beginners, or both. Read and talk about diverse topics while having fun simultaneously!***50分 1,500P体験あり -
Free Talk/Discussion: Reading + Listening + Speaking (25% OFF)
***Great especially for first-timers, beginners, or both. Read and talk about diverse topics while having fun simultaneously!***50分 X 4 4,500P4回パック -
IELTS/TOEFL: Speaking (or Writing)
***Learn to produce original, interesting, and logical answers to hundreds of IELTS/TOEFL Speaking/Writing questions smoothly, even under testing conditions.***50分 1,500P体験あり -
IELTS/TOEFL: Speaking (or Writing) (25% OFF)
***Learn to produce original, interesting, and logical answers to hundreds of IELTS/TOEFL Speaking/Writing questions smoothly, even under testing conditions.***60分 X 4 4,500P4回パック -
Scientific American: Our Guide to the Galaxy
***Learn to think like the world's most respected scientists, science popularization authors, and leading scientific thinkers so you, too, can contribute to the world of science, tech, and innovation to help humanity advance towards a brighter future.***50分 1,500P体験あり -
Scientific American: Our Guide to the Galaxy (25% OFF)
***Learn to think like the world's most respected scientists, science popularization authors, and leading scientific thinkers so you, too, can contribute to the world of science, tech, and innovation to help humanity advance towards a brighter future.***50分 X 4 4,500P4回パック -
The New Yorker: Shouts & Murmurs
Arguably one of the most exceptionally well-written magazines, The New Yorker is both a reader's & writer's haven featuring high-quality *SATIRICAL* articles on social issues, politics, art, humor, culture, etc. Learn to decode and discuss.50分 1,500P体験あり -
The New Yorker: Shouts & Murmurs (25% OFF)
Arguably one of the most exceptionally well-written magazines, The New Yorker is both a reader's & writer's haven featuring high-quality *SATIRICAL* articles on social issues, politics, art, humor, culture, etc. Learn to decode and discuss.50分 X 4 4,500P4回パック