============================ Coupon Name: 10% discount off IELTS lessons Code: f7054946 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: IELTS Preparation (50 mins, 2,900 points) Effective for lessons conducted betwee...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% discount for proofreading Code: 53958983 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: PROOFREADING / CORRECTION (50 mins, 2,900 points) FREE TRIAL Effective for lesson...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% off all lessons for all January Code: c3eefcb7 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 19, 2015 ~ Jan 31, 2015 (G...
Hi,I have just released a new introduction videon on YouTube..... If you have time, please watch it and press "Like" if you like it or leave a comment....I would really appreciate it!http://youtu.be/...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% off any lesson on 21 Nov Code: 6fb8d934 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Nov 21, 2014 ~ Nov 21, 2014 (GMT+07:0...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% off 19+20 November Code: b3b9e130 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Nov 19, 2014 ~ Nov 20, 2014 (GMT+07:00 Bang...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% off.... 18+19 Nov Code: 374c9972 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Nov 18, 2014 ~ Nov 19, 2014 (GMT+07:00 Bangk...
------------------------------- Lesson: IELTS Preparation (50 mins, 2,900 points) Price: 2900 Length: 50 Trial Minutes: 10 URL: http://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=11664 -----------------------...
Please take a look at my lesson designed especially for children from 5-15 years old..... If you would like to book a lesson and have any special requests then I am more than happy to accommodate y...
Hi,Please find an attached 10% discount coupon for my Speak To Me lessons for all of October. There are 2 coupons per student so you can take 2 lessons during October with a 10% discount.Thanks,Mark....
Hi....If you would like to see something funny then please check out my ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video on YouTube.... please follow the link below and enjoy!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5HXE0sveU...
If you are going to be going for a job interview or even an interview for a place at an English speaking university or college for an MBA or some other degree course then please check out my intervie...
SUMMER DISCOUNT PROMOTION ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!!!!!============================ Coupon Name: 10% off any lesson till end of August Code: ef75ee81 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lesson...
Just a quick message to let you know that if you wanted to make use of my 10 and 20% discount coupons then please book a lesson before the end of this month (2 days left). ThanksMark Roy
------------------------------- Lesson: Let's talk business! (50 mins, 2500 points) Price: 2500 Length: 50 Trial Minutes: 10 URL: http://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=11275 ---------------------...
------------------------------- Lesson: PROOFREADING / CORRECTION (60 mins, 2,800 points) FREE TRIAL Price: 2800 Length: 60 Trial Minutes: 10 URL: http://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=11610 ----...
------------------------------- Lesson: IELTS Preparation (50 mins, 2,900 points) Price: 2900 Length: 50 Trial Minutes: 10 URL: http://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=11664 -----------------------...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% discount any lesson 15-31 July Code: a632f0b8 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Jul 15, 2014 ~ Jul 31, 2014 (GM...
Hi,Please see the discount coupon below for a 10% discount on ANY LESSON taken between 7-31 July.Thanks!!============================ Coupon Name: 10% discount on any lesson 7-31 July Code: 32b5961d ...
============================ Coupon Name: 10% discount any lesson 23-28 June Code: 56f51214 Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: All Effective for lessons conducted between: Jun 23, 2014 ~ Jun 28, 2014 (GM...