Hello everyone,I am on a ranking for kids lessons on Cafetalk!You can read about it here:https://cafetalk.com/campaign/cafetalk-ranking/category/?c=kids&lang=ja And please feel free to try a les...
Coupons for 3 lesson types available for first time students! 是非!This includes my TAILOR-MADE lesson, voted best kids lesson for autumn/winter 2024!よろしくおねがいします ============================ Coupon Na...
こんにちは。 いつも楽しくレッスンを受けて頂いてありがとうございます。「Cafetalk Days」は知ってましたか?毎月の19日は、その日に受けったレッスン料金が30%戻ってきます!とてもおトクです!時間があれば、是非19にレッスンを!よろしくお願いします!ヴォイテック
Hello! いつも楽しくレッスンを受けて頂いてありがとうございます。7月から、6ヶ月ぶりに火曜日〜土曜日のレッスンスケジュールに戻ります。なので、今月の12日が最後の月曜日になります!さようなら月曜日のクーポン券を差し上げます。なんと、25%割引です!ぜひ、最後の月曜日、宜しくお願いします! ============================ Coupon Name: Goodbye ...
こんにちは。 いつも楽しくレッスンを受けて頂いてありがとうございます。「Cafetalk Days」は知ってましたか?毎月の19日と29日は、その日に受けったレッスン料金が30%戻ってきます!とてもおトクです!時間があれば、是非19、29にレッスンを!よろしくお願いします!ヴォイテック
いつもレッスンを受けていただき、誠にありがとうございます。 また、日頃より高い評価の声をいただき感謝しております。 いいレッスンをするには、教える技術はもちろん、私はいつも自分の教育スキルを磨いています。 生徒さんがレッスンを楽しんで行えるよう、日々考えレッスンを行っております。楽しく飽きのこないレッスンを考える中では、更なる教材の充実が必要となります。レッスン内容のクオリ...
いつもレッスンを受けていただき、誠にありがとうございます。 また、日頃より高い評価の声をいただき感謝しております。 いいレッスンをするには、教える技術はもちろん、私はいつも自分の教育スキルを磨いています。 生徒さんがレッスンを楽しんで行えるよう、日々考えレッスンを行っております。楽しく飽きのこないレッスンを考える中では、更なる教材の充実が必要となります。レッスン内容のクオリ...
Hello everyone. There's lots to talk about in the news recently. Why not do it in English?============================ Coupon Name: News of the World discount! Code: a2face82 Discount Rate: 20% For L...
Hi everyone! Don't forget to talk more, talk a lot and talk longer to improve your English!============================ Coupon Name: Spring is Coming-Gotta Keep Talking! Code: ef6d46c2 Discount Rate:...
Hi everyone! Why not try some new lessons with a new teacher?============================ Coupon Name: Spring is coming-Try something new! (New Students Only) Code: 163ebe90 Discount Rate: 15% For Le...
Hello everyone.You can't go to school right now, but you can still learn English here!I hope to see you soon!============================ Coupon Name: No school? No problem! Code: bd1c9f85 Discount R...
Hello! I look forward to speaking with you again!============================ Coupon Name: Goodbye February, Hello March Code: 8ca8730d Discount Rate: 10% For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson pac...
============================ Coupon Name: Let's Talk About It Code: abf435a6 Discount Rate: 15% For Lesson: Extended Free Talk in English (No feedback) Effective for lessons conducted between: Feb 8,...
Hello everyone,Thank you for taking my lessons.This is to inform you that I have a new lesson category for lessons that your children take with me.It's called Fun, popular and EFFECTIVE kid...
Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a happy and safe winter. As I am getting more and more students I have more materials to make and buy for fun and effective lessons,therefore from January 20...
Hi everyone! Looking for something to do on a rainy weekend? Speak some English!=========================== Coupon Name: Rainy Day English Code: eb7bed01 Discount Rate: 15% For Lesson: Any lesson exc...
Hi everyone! How's your summer going?Need a bit of English?I'm specially available this week so let's chat!============================ Coupon Name: Summer English Smash! Code: 2e7de9aa Discount Rate...
Why not have a chat in the evening?============================ Coupon Name: Summer at Six & Seven, part 2! Code: 856355ca Discount Rate: 35% For Lesson: Free Talk in English! (No feedback) Effec...
Some short talks in the evening? Why not? ;)============================ Coupon Name: Summer at Six & Seven Code: 15aa0334 Discount Rate: 35% For Lesson: Free Talk in English! (No feedback)...
Hi everyone! I have another Wonderful Wednesday for you all this month!============================ Coupon Name: Wonderfull Wednesday! Code: 03d50c80 Discount Rate: 35% For Lesson: Any lesson except ...