Dear Students, I hope your week's been going well. Here are some of my tutor column writings that I generated over the past week for your reading pleasure if you haven't read them yet. Kind regards, ...
============================ Coupon Name: July’s New Student Coupon (New Students Only) Code: a87c2e1a Discount Rate: 30% For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs Effective for lessons conduc...
Keeping a journal can be useful for reflections or simply to note your experiences down in a day-to-day mode. You might want to tag your journal writing to a photograph and make them photo journals t...
Consider 2 classes in 1 lesson plan to practice your language. ------------------------------- Lesson: Combo-English: News Article Discussion and Writing a Summary Price: 2300 Points Length: 45 Tr...
Dear students, If you're preparing for your language proficiency tests, you may wish to consider the following classes to improve in specific areas: 1) IELTS or EIKEN Speaking ----------------------...
Dear Students , I have opened additional slot for booking this Sunday for Cafetalk Day. On this day, you get 30% of your points refunded per the terms and conditions of Cafetalk Day. I look forward ...
Interested in starting on a book this year? Try the following novel by Lucy Montgomery. The book comprises many chapters and the material is more suitable for intermediate learners and above. Drop me...
Writing can be a good elective to add onto your regular classes. You can choose between lesson packs on Journal Writing which focuses on reflections and describing your day-to-day experiences, or th...
============================ Coupon Name: New Student Coupon (New Students Only) Code: 515f509b Discount Rate: 25% For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs Effective for lessons conducted be...
Dear Students, I will be on online standby tomorrow Japan time between the hours :0930 to 1045 hours and 1430 to 1800 hoursIf you wish to try Speaking or Reading practice , you can find me online at ...
Dear students , Pacing focus on a topic has many benefits on your language skills and works on improving your vocabulary . If you're sitting for an English exam soon such as the IELTS or EIKEN, this...
Dear Students, both existing and new, I am back in Melbourne after a break abroad. Please find below coupons for various English classes for your use, that will be expiring by end of the week.For th...
If you're aiming to improve your writing skills in English but lack the time , these No-Skype lesson packs could come in handy:------------------------------- Lesson: (WRITING)15-day Journal Practi...
Try one of the following lessons as you work on your speaking skills. This lesson helps work on expanding your vocabulary related to a topic and may be good practice for those hoping to learn new vo...
Work on reading aloud - pronunciation , diction, intonation and comprehension as we read from TED talk passages with the TED talk 40-minute Read Aloud lesson: ------------------------------- Lesson:...
============================ Coupon Name: New Student Coupon (New Students Only) Code: 515f509b Discount Rate: 25% For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs Effective for lessons conducted betw...
Dear Students, The following coupons are running from 30th January to 4th February. I will be returning to my full teaching schedule from end-January onwards as well. See you all soon and please fee...
Dear students, Happy New Year to all of you. I hope you started 2023 with new resolutions and had a good time. I have some limited slots for January open. Please find coupons for your use for the mon...
Dear students, I hope you are bracing the winter and keeping warm . I have opened a couple of slots for Christmas and Boxing Day for those who wish to take classes on these days . Please also find on...
Dear Students, The following coupons are running this week for Speaking and Reading for your use. ============================ Coupon Name: 80 minutes Speaking Practice coupon Code: 9ae2db7a Discou...