Improve pronunciation, intonation, word stress and pace of speech with read aloud practice sheets This class focuses on TED TALK passages and will also cover the meanings of vocabulary and phrases a...
============================ Coupon Name: Week 3 May Coupon 3- Combo Class Code: bec63773 Discount Rate: 12% For Lesson: Combo-English: A-Topic-A-Lesson and The News Effective for lessons conducted ...
OFFLINE WRITING PRACTICE FOR BUSY BEES:------------------------------- Lesson: (No-Skype Class) IELTS Writing Practice for Tasks 1 AND 2 Price: 1800 Points Length: 0 Trial Minutes: URL: https://cafe...
Dear Students, Week 2 of May focuses on more IELTS Practice and News articles . Happy Learning!============================ Coupon Name: Week 2 May - IELTS Speaking Practice Code: a2a8c217 Discount...
The following classes can help to prepare you for your IELTS Speaking test . Starting early and not waiting until the last minute can help too.Consider combining all three lessons through the 80-minu...
Dear students both old and new , Here are the final week of April's ( or your Golden Week ) coupons valid till 4th May for your use. Gain practice in grammar with phrasal verbs, on specific topics,...
The following classes may be of interest for those who wish to try them to improve your English speaking skills based on your goals: ------------------------------- Lesson: 55Min A Topic A Lesson Pr...
Dear students, This Friday is Cafetalk Day where you will benefit from a rebate of 30% of the points incurred for lessons taken on this day. Additionally, you may use the coupons on offer (as listed ...
Dear Students, You may find this class useful to get a vocabulary boost while using visuals to describe them.New students can consider using the New Student coupon.------------------------------- Les...
Dear Students, I hope your weekend is going well. Please find attached below, this week's tutor columns for your weekend reading. Kind regards, Suja ============================ Column Name: Contrast...
Dear students, Next week Friday is Cafetalk Day and slots are now open for booking on this day. In addition , please find coupons for Week 3 of April , Cafetalk week for you to use. The coupons may ...
Dear students, The following 80-minute General English class is a long session that offers a combination of lessons in speaking , reading and grammar practice. Alternatively, you may also decide to ...
Professionals can consider the following options for further improvements in fluency or writing : ------------------------------- Lesson: English at the Workplace Price: 3200 Points Length: 45 Tria...
Dear Students, I hope your week went well. After a short hiatus from writing in tutor columns, I've started to write again.Please find the following tutor column released this week for your reading: ...
Dear students,If you are new to my lessons, please consider applying the new student coupon enclosed below. Kindly note these coupons may be used for students who are adult learners and those in upp...
Sitting for IELTS in the near future?Gain practice with the classes below . ------------------------------- Lesson: (No-Skype Class) IELTS Writing Practice for Tasks 1 AND 2 Price: 1800 Points Length...
For new students, Please note the last day for this coupon ends tomorrow.============================ Coupon Name: New Student Coupon(March) (New Students Only) Code: 6cc6113f Discount Rate: 20% For...
Dear Students ,Please be informed that I am on a short break until 2nd April and lessons resume in line with my usual schedule on 3rd April. For any of you on a lesson pack requiring an extension on ...
Dear students, Please find coupons for the second week of March :============================ Coupon Name: March Wk 2 Coupon 3 - General English Class Code: ba0d3195 Discount Rate: 15% For Lesson: 80...
Dear students, Please note that evening and night classes are now available for the month of March until 28th March and you may wish to schedule a class at these hours if they appear more suited to y...