General Notices from Tutor Suja

Discounts for Lessons on Phrasal Verbs and Idioms

Четверг, 7 Май 2020 r. 09:17

Coupon Name: Coupon - Have Fun with Idioms
Code: 1fcc0f9c
Discount Rate: 12%
For Lesson: Have Fun with Idioms
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 6, 2020 ~ May 14, 2020
(GMT+08:00 Singapore)

Coupon Name: Discount for Phrasal Verbs lesson
Code: cb9c71f9
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Phrasal Verbs
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 6, 2020 ~ May 12, 2020
(GMT+08:00 Singapore)

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