General Notices from Tutor Suja

The last lot of Speaking Coupons are going for this Friday, Cafetalk Day

Понедельник, 15 Август 2022 r. 08:34

 This Friday is Cafetalk Day where you will get 30% of your points refunded. Additionally, there are 3 coupons below available for use on the day. See you in class!
Coupon Name: Friday Cafetalk Day Speaking Boost - Expressing your Opinions in English
Code: 4fceb46b
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: (Speaking Boost) How to Express Opinions in English
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 19, 2022 ~ Aug 20, 2022
(GMT+10:00 Melbourne)

Coupon Name: Friday Cafetalk Day Speaking Boost - IELTS Speaking Practice
Code: 18e87ead
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: IELTS Parts 1, 2 and 3 Speaking Practice
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 19, 2022 ~ Aug 20, 2022
(GMT+10:00 Melbourne)

Coupon Name: Friday Cafetalk Day Speaking Boost - A Topic A Lesson
Code: a7e86abb
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: 55Min A Topic A Lesson
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 19, 2022 ~ Aug 20, 2022
(GMT+10:00 Melbourne)

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