Luna.M 講師からのお知らせ



みなさん、こんばんは('∀')cafe talk日本語講師のLuna.Mです*
みなさんはどんな一日を過ごされましたか( Ü )

先生のcafe talk講師としての船出がコロナ禍だったこともあり、急な体調不良や緊急事態に併せ、キャンセルやキャンセル料に関して、なるべく柔軟な対応を行ってきました。
しかしながら8/1に「講師に関する基準・ルール」のアップデートが決定した旨、cafe talk事務局より連絡がありました。



今回の「講師に関する基準・ルール」のアップデートは、cafe talkすべての講師に適用されます。
  • 「No-show」や「直前キャンセル」は極力行わないように、自分でスケジュールを把握すること
  • 口コミ(レビュー)はなるべく書いて、日本語でも母国語でも良いので、言葉で表現する習慣を作ること
レッスンの度にみなさんへの感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです( Ü )この場を借りて、いつもありがとうございます*


Hi everyone, this is Luna.M, cafe talk Japanese teacher*.
The date has changed, July 7th, was Tanabata day.
How did you spend your day?
Now, I would like to inform you about the "Revision of Cancellation Charge".
As my career as a cafe talk teacher started with the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been flexible as much as possible regarding cancellations and cancellation fees in case of sudden illness or emergencies.
However, the cafe talk office informed us today that the "Standards and Rules for Teachers" are updated on August 1.

In response to this update, we have changed the handling of "last minute cancellations within 24 hours before the lesson starts" as follows.
Even if you forget the lesson date and time and do not come to ZOOM, the rule that 100% of the lesson fee was charged remains unchanged.

For last minute cancellations within 24 hours before the lesson, 50% of the lesson fee will be charged.
Example: A lesson reservation is confirmed for 8:00 p.m. on 7/7 → If the lesson is cancelled after 8:00 p.m. on 7/6, 50% of the lesson fee will be collected.

This update of the "Standards and Rules for Teachers" applies to all instructors of cafe talk.
Whoever the teacher is in front of you, I would be very happy if you could support him or her in the following to the extent possible.

  • Try to keep track of your own schedule so that "no-shows" and "last-minute cancellations" will be avoided as much as possible.
  • Write feedback (reviews) as much as possible, and make a habit of expressing yourself in words, either in Japanese or in your native language.

I am filled with gratitude to all of you at every lesson ( Ü ) I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support*.