Jenny 講師からのお知らせ



Hello everyone!

Thank you for taking lessons with me! It's a pleasure talking with you! 

Due to this busy season, my schedule has changed slightly. I won't be available on Monday nights for the next few months. I hope this is temporary! Only requests made after this update will be affected. I hope to open my schedule more soon!

There have been some price changes to some of the lessons. If you've already made a request, don't worry! It will still be the same price. Only new requests made after this update will have the new prices. 

There is also a new lesson! Would you like me to record some words for you in my home studio? Please check out my "100ワードまでプロナレーター録音!100-word Recording From a Pro Narrator!" lesson!

I hope you're having a wonderful summer! Please feel free to request a lesson anytime! 
See you soon,
Lesson: 100ワードまでプロナレーター録音!100-word Recording From a Pro Narrator!
Price: 3000 Points
Length: 0
Trial Minutes: 0
