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Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga Alliance) 200
Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course Completed 30
Completed Kato Method Mentor Course
Documents to support the qualification have been confirmed

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Shown in Asia/Tokyo time.

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Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
こんにちは! 妄想大好きヨガインストラクターまりえです☆   世間はゴールデンウィーク最終日! 皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか??   今年は土日トリック(?)で 合間にしっかり働く日を挟む連休だった...
Published 5 Apr, 2024 | View: 1948
こんにちは! 妄想大好きヨガインストラクターのまりえです☆ カフェトークの中で、 わたし自身が何を考えているのかを発信できるコラム。 やはり丁寧にコラムも書きたい! (のに手が回っていない!…これ...
Published 8 Jan, 2024 | View: 1983

Profilo di Marie.513

Nice to meet you!!


My name is Marie, and I am a yoga instructor who loves to daydream.


I received my RYT200 in Tokyo in 2014, and have been working as a freelance yoga instructor since then.



I studied abroad in Toronto, Canada, for a year and a half from 2017, and hosted a park yoga class for Japanese students there.


My main style of yoga teaching is Yin Yang Yoga, which is a mixture of Yang Yoga (yoga for movement) and Yin Yoga (yoga for stillness).


In my Yin Yoga lessons, I also spend a lot of time meditating to balance your mind, while deeply relaxing your body.


In addition,


I also offer breathing lessons under the guidance of Toshiro Kato (加藤俊朗), an instructor who has developed his own unique breathing techniques.  


If you are interested in yoga,

but don’t know where to start,

or your body isn’t flexible so you’re concerned


My lessons are aimed for such students
to enjoy the pleasure of practicing yoga with ease!


You don’t need to learn any technical terms or have special skills.


Please feel free to join my lessons

as if you were having a self-massage!

Just a side note:

I’m actually in an international marriage.

I also offer small chat sessions for women in international relationships and marriages,

So if you’re interested,
please check out my lesson list♪




 【 Cafetalk Translation / January 2022 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. 

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    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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