2022 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer)
January - June 2022 Cafetalk Special Event
♬Point Present Lottery:

Out of all eager voters we will randomly draw
20 winners who will each receive a 2022 point present
to use for any lesson of their choice! So go ahead, make our servers burn, and cast your votes!
*Each vote you cast equals one entry into the draw. The more often you vote, the higher your chance to win that 2022 point present!
*The winners will each receive an extra 2022 points on top of their existing points. The presented points will have a validity of 1 month.

Voter comments will be selected at random and featured on the awards page as well as displayed on the tutor's profile.
Please let us and the world know what you think about your favorite lessons and tutors!
*Leaving a comment when casting your vote is optional but highly encouraged.

Awards will be given across all categories available on Cafetalk. You can vote for lessons of any category!You can nominate language tutors for one of the following categories:
- ① Most Fun
- ② Great with Kids
- ③ Great material / Lesson plans
- ④ Great conversationalist
On top of these categories, the Grand Prize will be given to tutors with the most votes and best comments, and the Newcomer Award will be given to several new language tutors.
For all other categories, several tutors will receive awards among the following categories:
- ① Music
- ② Dance & Ballet
- ③ Yoga/Fitness/Sports
- ④ Academic Tutors
- ⑤ Hobby
- ⑥ Other
In addition to the vote-based awards there will be new awards this time, which are based not on student votes but on data accumulated over the past 6 months. The new data-based award categories are:
- ① Seminar Award
- ② Repeater Award
- ③ Online Standby Award and
- ④ Tutor Column Award.
We look forward to sharing the winners in these categories with you at the end of the voting period as well!
Voting Period: Giu 16, 2022(Gio) ~ Jun 26(Dom)
Voci degli studenti

Award Details
Cast your vote for a lesson you took during the first half of 2022 which you think is worthy of any or one specific award. You can also vote for lesson packs!

Winner Announcement
June 30 (Thu), 2022 (Until 5pm JST *planned)

Selection Method
The winner will be selected based on a scoring method that takes into account the number of student votes, lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months. You can also nominate language tutors for an award category if you like!
Short Conversation Pack
老師很親切健談,上課時總是面帶笑容的鼓勵我盡量表達,讓我在開口說英文的過程中漸漸地不那麼緊張。上課過程中老師會透過一些問題引導對話的進行,老師總是很有耐心地聽我說的內容,對話過程中也會給予很棒的分享與回饋,課堂氣氛很輕鬆愉快~! 課後feedback老師也有對於課堂上的表現給予一些意見。 推薦給想要在輕鬆的氛圍練習英文會話的同學~