Kaoru sensei is really kind! She always gives me a lot of chances to talk and leaves room for me to think, which I really appreciate, I think this is the art of teaching!
She also takes it slow and introduces new expressions that are very useful, and gives me a chance to use them again. I've been really enjoying her lessons and I highly recommend her!
Gem is good at guiding students to speak out. During the period, we always talk about attractive issues. For instance, psychology, educational system, etc. I reckon that it is perfect to improve my speaking ability and develop the competence of critical thinking.
はじめまして。masa masaです。やすみはドラマを見てえいごのべんきょうをしたり、アニメを見ることがすきです。I like DragonBallZ and Goku :)ひとりでりょこうに行くこともすきです。おきなわはさいこうだったので、また行きたいです。Okinawa is best:)わたしはしごとをしながら2024年3月に日本語きょうしの、しかくをとりました。日本語きょうしをめざそうと思ったきっかけは、げんごこうかんをしている中国人のともだちから、日本語のおしえかたがわかりやすくて、おもしろいと言ってくれたことで、日本語をおしえるしごとに、ちょうせんしようと思いました。げんごこうかんがしゅみで、4年くらいしています。アメリカ人・中国人・インドネシア人・フィリピン人など、たくさんの人たちに日本語をおしえてきました。げんごこうかんをすることで、たくさんともだちができたことが、とてもす
Hi! I am a Zambian national, living in Zambia. I am a degree-qualified primary teacher with experience and also various certification in Montessori, Cambridge and in PYP, in international schools in Zimbabwe and in Zambia. I have worked in student support in an international school also which helps me to understand students better to achieve their learning goals.I can assess and build my lessons t
I am an English native speaker from the U.K. I have a BA in Linguistics and a BSC in Nutrition from a U.K. university. I am also a certified TEFL teacher. I have spent the past 15 years teaching English in International schools in Thailand. I have also worked in language centre's around Bangkok, coaching students for their IELTS and TOEFL exams. Before teaching English, I used to be a chef.
出身:韓国・ソウル(今は日本)授業対象:韓国語の作文や韓国の方を対象とする日本語の作文授業を教えています。略歴:2021年留学生論文コンクールにて3位入賞、日本内の大学出身JLPT N1合格、EJU経験有+作文は会話のように瞬発力の必要な分野ではありませんが、よく活用すれば、語彙や表現を効率よく身につけることのできる効率的なツールです!출신:서울거주:일본,오키나와수업대상:일본인 대상으로 한국어 작문,한국인 대상으로는 일본어 작문수업약력:2021년 일본주최 유학생 논문콩쿨3위 입상,일본내 대학출신jlpt n1합격,eju경험有여러분들의 수강을 기다리고 있겠습니다:)
Hi there, I'm Greg, and I'm a writer and English tutor from South Africa. I love watching movies, especially older horror movies, and listening to music. I'm also an avid gamer and have a particular love for the sci-fi and horror genres. I've got a small blog and YouTube channel which I've been running for the last seven years.I've been tutoring since 2017, and over the last few years, I've been w
Hi my name is Nathan and I am from South Africa. I am a patient, calm and open minded person.I am open to teaching students of all ages. My lessons are stress free with a lot of discussion,practice and useful tips. I have loads of experience helping students with various needs such as:Business communication English for travel Speaking practice about various topics. Englis for beginners! I enjoy he
Hello My name is Teacher EazyI am passionate about teaching Public speaking, Creative writing, literature, Pronounciation and grammar to learners aged 6-50. With a degree in English Literature and 4 years of experience teaching middle and high school English, I have a strong foundation in these areas. My classes focus on enhancing writing skills, exploring classic and contemporary literature, and
アワード投票コメント カフェトークアワード・2024年下半期 →
Jack in Japan
Lan Do
Sachie teacher
Gem C
Rie O.E
Taka. M
Ayaka/ Klavier