Fantastic tutor who help my son adapt and thrive at his new school, French Lycee. She's always well prepared and has plenty of colourful, child friendly materials.
Jonathan 先生は、本国イギリスの他、アジアや日本での様々なご経験をお持ちで、英語学習以外にも多くを学ばせて頂けます。(私の英語力では、フリートークでは相当聞き出せることが限られますが…ಥ‿ಥ)
ちなみにHapa Schoolでは、ITを駆使して大変わかりやすいレッスンを提供して下さいます。フリートーク以外の、教材を使ったレッスンでもその持ち味が生かされているのではと、期待大です。
Hello, nice to meet you! I worked as a Japanese language teacher in Taiwan for 5 years. I originally started studying Chinese because of my love for Taiwanese music. It has now been more than 11 years since I started learning Chinese. When I study a new language, there is something that I always think about: "How can I make this fun." If you enjoy studying, you will be able to stick with your stu
Hello, my name is Yukari. I can speak both English and Japanese fluently. I'm Japanese, but I've spent most of my life abroad including Manila, America and London. I enjoy gardening, reading, and meeting new people. I have a degree in the Dental field and have worked both in the USA and UK. As a former ESL student myself, I can help you improve your English skills. At 5 months old we moved to the
I have various lessons not only grammar but also practice interviewing and Japanese culuture. I also have learned Korean and English on Cafetalk.I empathize with you, because I was a student who had studyied foreign languages.Please feel free to ask me anything and anytime. I can tell you anyting about improving Japanese.I will be so happy, if I became your partner for learning Japanese.₊ ° ✦ ‧ ‧
I do my best to offer tailor-made lessons for each individual student. I was not good at English until I graduated from college. However, even after graduating, I couldn’t give up on my dream of becoming a teacher, so I went to Canada on a working holiday to improve my English skills. I worked at a Japanese restaurant, a cafe, and a study abroad agent in Canada for 3 years, and then returned to
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