Phillip is truly remarkable as a teacher. When I first took his lessons, I didn’t realize I would fall in love with reading and truly understand how to read. I’m so glad I embarked on this journey with him.
From short essays to mid-length novels, and now, we’ve just finished a Shakespeare play… it’s been a long journey for me, with many obstacles in reading and comprehension—each one of them has transformed me.
I’ve learned to read more deeply, both inside and outside the text (author background, historical context, etc.), to think in different ways from different perspectives, and to interpret characters' words and tones, among other things. It’s not just because I started reading, but also because Phillip kept discussing the topics and related things with me, guiding me on techniques and what to focus on, etc.
It’s always a pleasure to exchange thoughts on the works, and his humorous personality is definitely a plus. With Phillip, I can express everything I want to say and take notes without feeling judged.
It’s relaxing, fun, and inspiring… With Phillip’s reading lessons, you get it all!
Hello to you all!My name is Musaab and I'm from Manchester, U.K. and I've been living and teaching in Japan since 2002.I used to live in Tokyo, but after the COVID pandemic started, I decided to make a change and try somewehere new. So, since 2022 I've been here in Nagano prefecture, in the beautiful city of Matsumoto. If you've never visited, I can definitely recommend it! In my long teaching ex
Hello! I majored in Japanese at university, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Korean language education. I am now in Tokyo studying Japanese while deepening my understanding of languages and cultures. My lessons are customized to suit my student’s goals, who are determined to learn Korean and get to know more about Korean culture. I will cater to all
Hello I'm bella. I'm Indonesian Teacher since 2017. I lived in Indonesia, let's learn Indonesian language with me together.Hallo semuanya perkenalkan nama saya bella. saya adalah guru bahasa indonesia yang tinggal di Indonesia. saya sudah menjadi guru dari tahun 2017. ayo belajar bahasa Indonesia bersama ^_^こんにちは!ベラと申します。私は、2017年からインドネシア語を教えている教師です。実際にインドネシアに住んでおり、効果的な学習方法を提供しています。一緒に楽しくインドネシア語を学び
各位学员!Hola!大家好!我叫Pilar ,我超爱教学及文学。我开授适合初学者~高级者的简单有趣英语课。 想边探索文学边练英语吗?喜欢J·R·R·托尔金的《哈比人》或安徒生童话吗?和我一起认识这些作家的其他作品吧!英语不流利也没关係,我会配合你的需求授课。 你在找西班牙语讲师?我也能教授初学者~高级者二外西班牙语! 想学英语或西班牙语吗? 想研究文学、托尔金、安徒生等作家吗? 我也超爱日本文化,从2007年就开始学日语。 和我一起快乐学习吧! Te interesa practicar y aprender español de manera interactivay divertida? Mis clases son dinámicas y se adaptan a todos los ni
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Phillip Knott
Silvia Raya