6月8日~10日に「ファンフェスタin箱根」という、二泊三日の囲碁セミナーに講師として参加させていただきました。 毎年恒例ではありますが、豪華なプロ棋士の方々が指導碁やイベントで盛り上げております...
What is your favorite color? [Advanced Language]
Hello!What is your favorite color? This is a popular question to ask in English speaking countries....
Miss Amy
Hello. ☆りさころりん☆です。 今日は、海外ドラマを1つ紹介したいと思います。ジャンルは、Action, Adventureです。 こちらもシリーズになっています。Netflixでみれま...
Ingredients: Flour, Eggs, Butter, Milk, Vanilla, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Sugar, Cocoa, Milk, S...
IELTS Speaking - Expand, expand, expand.
The IELTS Speaking module is scored to a large extent on your ability to maintain a smooth conversa...
Mr Ian
I'm not naturally an angry person.....BUT
Today I watched in disbelief as a small child chased and tried to kick birds, and then threw stones...
An update to the IELTS vs TOEFL debate.
From an admittedly small sample size, 6 out of 6, 100% of my students who have sat both exams say t...
Mr Ian
This weekend I am very excited to be taking part in the Koyasan Ultramarathon!I have been a partici...
The lessons listed above are just a small range of the broad subjects I am qualified and experience...
After students mentioning that they would like a relaxing and gentle exercise lesson, I decided to ...
How do you decide between IELTS and TOEFL ?
These are the two most widely accepted benchmarks of your English ability. Both give you a certific...
Mr Ian
What is the single most important way to prepare for the IELTS exam ?
PRACTICE While practice might not make you quite perfect, it will raise your band score.Practi...
Mr Ian
IELTS - Who should take the General Exam and who needs the Academic Version?
It is important to take the correct version of the exam.The version you choose will depend on your ...
Mr Ian
IELTS Speaking Band Scores in a Nutshell.
Band 5 - The candidate gives short answersBand 6 - The candidate is able to speak at length and is ...
Mr Ian
Proofreading / Corrections service! *DISCOUNT* + updates on my Hokkaido work trip!
Some of you may have a document which you need made perfect, but are unsure you have written it cor...
This is an extensive test, almost 3 hours in total. You need to sharpen up your examination skills,...
Mr Ian
to run a marathon before?Perhaps you just want to get out and get running for the first time.Maybe ...
IELTS Speaking - The part many students find intimidating
The speaking module is face to face.My first tip is that you need to be confident, one way to becom...
Mr Ian
Hello. ☆りさころりん☆です。 今日は、大好きなドラマの1つを紹介したいと思います。 Netflixでみれます。ジャンルは、Action,Historyです。 「The Last Ki...
Hi Everyone,Today is the last day for my 10% off promotionPlease take advantage of this sale :)&n...
Michelle G
Preparing for your IELTS exam?
For those of you who are preparing for your IELTS exam I am here to help. I am certified in p...
Michelle G
or does it look like these deer are whispering about me!? Perhaps they are surprised to see a ga...
Which is the easiest IELTS module to achieve a high score in ?
The reading section is by far the easiest part of the test to get a high score.You need to keep tra...
Mr Ian
¡Hola a tod@s!Join me for a free trial lesson during summer time.Now, I have more available s...
Raul Barrera
The reading module is where test taking technique can make a very big difference to your score...
Mr Ian
Hello,Is anyone interested in writing practice? I have some prompts for essays and stories. If you ...
Miss Amy
Pre Race Acai Bowl in Kyoto!Anyone who knows me knows just how particular I am about my diet! I per...
京の桜便りKyoto Trip#5 Sakura---Cherry blossom season in Japan 日本の桜の季節
Have you ever seen 'Sakura'?In early April, you can see 'Sakura', beautiful cherry blossoms in Japa...
Teacher Asuka
Hello! Since I’m new to Cafetalk I’ve decided to start off with several coupons for stu...
Miss Amy