Once upon a time, a million years ago, I met Santa - before I learned how to spell my name :) ...
Greg R
Heading to Nagano + Izu Peninsula -'THE JOURNEY'
This morning I will be leaving my Tokyo to spend a few days in Nagano, skiing and snowboarding with...
3 Principles of mastery + Thank you all! - *Awesome Lesson Award*
I woke up today to find that I have been awarded an 'Awesome Lesson Award' for my 'Discuss the news...
My Christmas Song Video Playlist
I must be getting in the Christmas Spirit :) I started listening to some Christmas music on YouTube...
Greg R
Happy the Cat & Happy the Dog Christmas Joy
The holiday season can be very busy what with all the cleaning cooking, working that needs to be do...
Greg R
‘On the first day leaving Earth, we all pointed to our countries. On the third and fourth day...
*The crazy things we do for our passions!* - Part 2
This post was written yesterday morning at 4am - but I forgot to post it before I left! It j...
Yesterday I was feeling extremely stressed out as I ending up arriving in Tokyo much later than exp...
New Voice Over with A New Mic! / 新しいマイクで録音してみました。
Hi all, I hope your weekend is off to a good start! Lately I have acquired a new microphone for m...
Travelling on + Godzilla! (ゴジラ)
This morning we are once again leaving a city to travel on. We have really enjoyed our time in Kobe...
甘党ですか? Do you have a sweet tooth?
Keiko Davy
Fate + 'A blessing in disguise'
Thank you all for the lovely feedback regarding the story I posted up about Mum A few days ago! It ...
Hello Everyone! Many of you are preparing for, or recently took, a big test of English skill, whet...
Tracy R.
Having no fixed plans in the Rokko Mountains and 'going with the flow'
'Going with the flow' Yesterday we set out with the loose intention to climb Mt.Maya in th...
私は過去を振り返るのが嫌いなので、朝、FBを開けると「過去のこの日」が出てくるのがウザいと思ってた。.・・・けど、これを逆に使えばいいんだと気付いた。.今日、目標とかTo Doを書いておけば、1年後...
犬の保護施設でのボランティア Volunteering at a dog shelter
Keiko Davy
Travel broadens the mind’ - Part 1- 'My Mum, My Hero'
As someone who has been travelling fairly extensively since I was very young, I can say that it mos...
Good morning everyone! Today is another one of those sad days where we have to leave a city we hav...
こんにちは!マレーシア・ペナン在住の講師Keiko Davyです。こちらペナンは今日はすごい晴天です(多分30度はあります)。皆さんのいる所ではどうですか? Hello! I am Keiko D...
Keiko Davy
Good morning Cafetalk friends! Today I woke up and performed my usual gratitude routine. I give th...
'Dreamination' - Christmas Light Show
Yesterday we had a lovely day! We worked in the morning then went on a hike to the peace pag...
Miyajima - The Island of shrines
Yesterday we took a boat to Miyajima, which is a beautiful island just off of Hiroshima. U...
The joys of teaching..... + Christmas DISCOUNT!
Yesterday was a lovely day for us (Ashley and myself), as we made friends with a lovely student of ...
Hello Everyone! Today I have a bit more advanced of an article. But I thought I'd share it with th...
Tracy R.
7 characteristics of learning a new language successfully 新しい言語習得の7つの特性
In Australia's SBS news, there was a broadcast on Adelaide Language Festival held at Adelaide Unive...
Keiko Davy
Many people have the misconception that if they work out a lot, then they can eat anything they w...
Audrey オードリー
'Mitaki Temple' is a beautiful temple located on Mt.Mitaki in Hiroshima, Japan. We explored the tem...
Beautiful autumn colours of Hiroshima!
Yesterday we decided to take a break from teaching, to enjoy the beautiful nature of Hiroshima and ...
Recently I have been finding that certain things have been causing me stress, as I have some issues...
Hello. ☆りさころりん☆です。 オンライン子供英会話講師をしています。 最近、カフェトークデビューをしました。 これから、少しずつ、りさころりんの好きなこと、面白かったこと、語学、留学...