2015 Kennedy Center Honors – President Obama Moved to Tears
Every year, The Kennedy Center honors performers for their lifetime of contributions in the perform...
Greg R
Father Surprises Daughters at a Hockey Game
This is a very touching video about a United States Navy sailor who had been stationed overseas a...
Greg R
Many permutations and combinations exist in astrology. I am just giving one example as to how your ...
If you enjoy science and nature, this is a great website. National Geographic magazine has been aro...
Greg R
Saichiro Misumi: Architect of India-Japan Relations
Architect of India-Japan Relations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou6BnPqLlPE&feat...
Vedic astrology and stage's of spiritual development
Let me start with Bhagwat Gita (Song Celestial) of Lord Krishna Your choice is with referenc...
What's The Difference Between British and American English??
What’s the Difference Anyway? And How Much Does it Matter for Learners? I have encou...
Mark Roy
She's sure she sells sea shells by the sea shore. これが録音で取り上げている早口言葉の文章です。 録音で紹介・発言した英単語、以下をご覧く...
Vedic astrology and stage's of spiritual development
Let me start with Bhagwat Gita (Song Celestial) of Lord Krishna Your choice is with referenc...
In this article, I will be attempting to answer the question of the title. I will be looking at wha...
Mark Roy
Below is a link to a video cam of maybe 8 newborn puppies and their mom. Great website if you...
Greg R
Happy Thanksgiving – Thank you!
Traditionally, the first Thanksgiving in the United States was about giving thanks for a bountifu...
Greg R
Polyglotism: How to speak many languages
Hello everyone! I thought that, as my first column, I would share about my passion and my life goa...
Name is Masumi dayo!!!!! I like DJ!! and YO!!! DJ要素も入れてみました!! ポッドキャストはこちら http://masumidayo.see...
Masumi sensei
Should I keep a job I hate for a big payoff down the road?
There may be no right or wrong answer, everyone's situation is different - just something to think ...
Greg R
The Importance of Proofreading and Correction
Before submitting or printing an academic research paper, essay, email, memo, or any other written ...
Mark Roy
Hello Everyone! Today I'd like to share a wonderful article with you. It's about creativity and fa...
Tracy R.
The English We Speak - from the BBC
This is a fun website from the BBC. The English We Speak is your chance to catch up on the ...
Greg R
The Importance of Preparing for your Interview!
Job interviews rank right up there with having the flu, hangovers and exam results for fun and the ...
Mark Roy
実際の生徒さんにお渡しした音声ファイルです。GrateFul For...ということでFが連続するだけでなく、それぞれのFに続く音がまた発音しづらい、という難易度の高い単語の組み合わせを練習しま...
The World is Shrinking as the Internet Grows!
It is difficult to imagine life without the internet and social media, yet the internet only became...
Greg R
前回の抑揚について書いたブログの続きとなっています(こちらの音声ファイルはレッスン後に生徒さんに実際にお渡ししたものです)。 以下の文章を題材に長い文章における英語的なイントネーシ...
今回のブログも実際の生徒さんにレッスン後に送った音声ファイルの紹介です。まずは上にあるSoundCloud、再生してみてください。 文章における英語らしい抑揚・イントネーション...
久しくこのブログシリーズはお休みしていたが、この度「あの映画の英語!」というレッスンを立ち上げることになり(僕のプロフィールをチェックしていただきたい)、再開する運びに至った。 今回取り上げる映画...
さあ今回は長め、しかもこのブログのためだけに録音したPodcast(と勝手に呼び始めました)です!まずはお聞きください。 僕が読んでいる文章は以下のようになっています。 I understand...
Hi everyone! 11/30 (月)の夜20:00から、Periscopeの生配信ライプをすることにしましたー! Periscopeとは携帯でダウンロードできて生で動画を配信できるアプリ...
365 Short Essays for ESL/EFL Students
This is a great reading resource. There are 365 short essays, which you can listen to and r...
Greg R