Interesting English references: King Cnut and the Waves There are uses of language which make use...
Black Awareness Day in Brazil - November 20th
In Brazil, Black Awareness Day or Black Consciousness Day (Portuguese: Dia da Consciência Negra) is...
Angélica C
Reading is usually associated with silence, a quite space in a library. But did you know that read...
Teacher Hanne
Hello! イギリス在住の英会話講師MINAMIです! 知ってますか?英語の挨拶ってHello以外にもいろんな言い方があるんですよ。でも言う人によっては使い分けを注意してください。仕事での挨拶...
Minami F
【どうする?英検対策?】 第8回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-4
こんにちは。講師のbananafishです。ライティングに注目した英検対策レッスン新設に伴い、コラムで英検を取り上げています。過去問研究 ライティング編 第4回です。以前にも触れましたが、英検ライテ...
What movie character would you be....
This is the perfect question to practise the second conditional.If I were a movie character, it wou...
Watch the video to find out about a great natural English expression about reducing your stress.
John Nanakamado
If I were a movie character...
If I were a movie character, who would it be? I find these questions so tricky... Would I have a...
Andrew Teacher
If I was a movie character I would be… Ewwwwww. Monday morning and the column topic is another curv...
Stephen Brivati
VOCABULARY:hands-down - without a doubt (絶対に)tolerable/bearable - to be okay (許容範囲です)wholesome - he...
5日新月波動水 New Moon Water 星の子守唄 夜 星がたくさん 水へ降りました あなたの希望となるように あなたが輝くように この水はマリアの愛 ハートで飲んで マリアとつな...
Spiritual Counselor Keiko
【どうする?英検対策?】 第7回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-3
こんにちは。講師のbananafishです。ライティングに注目した英検対策レッスン新設に伴い、コラムで英検を取り上げています。過去問研究 ライティング編 第3回です。作文にあたり、日常的に関心の少な...
How can you say 「散歩する」in English? Please take a look at the video.
John Nanakamado
Autumn is the best season for going for a walk around the neighbourhood. The temperature is just ri...
Why Tipping is An American Custom
The topic of tipping often comes up in my Welcome to Canada lesson and also when I discuss the topi...
Zach McLaughlin
This picture shows the turnip lantern which I carved for this year's Halloween! As I mentioned in m...
Autumn in Minnesota (USA) is a beautiful time of year. The leaves are starting to change colors and...
Jodie L.
이렇게 예쁜 스포츠짐을 보신 적이 있나요?こんなにきれいなスポーツジムを見たことがありますか?Have you ever seen this kind of beautiful sports g...
Fall is the best season for camping.
Camping is something I love to do. It's great to get out of the city and back into nature. The best...
I watched "Squid Game" a while ago on Netflix and LOVED it.I've been subscribed to Netflix for abou...
Hi everyone,Luca Sensei here.I started my experience here on cafetalk a while ago.Recently I have b...
Luca sensei
Autumn is the best Season for…
Autumn is the best season for… It’s interesting that Cafetalk used the word ‘Autumn,’ instead of ‘F...
Stephen Brivati
Halloween was mostly cancelled last year, but now it’s almost here (in Canada at least) and it’s ha...
Zach McLaughlin
Here you find a new Arabic word: a door: بَابٌ =========Do you know that there are common English...
Najada J.B
こんにちわYUZUです。寒くなってきましたね❄私は今週末に、冬服を買いに行きます(*'ω'*)今日は1つオノマトペを教えます。【ブルブル】 -buruburu★寒くてからだが、ふるえる状態☆for...
Plants in English: Yellowwood tree
Did you know that there is a Yellowwood tree connection between South Africa and Japan? Yellowwood...
Teacher Hanne
Are you a beach or mountain person? ----- あなたはビーチや山の人ですか?
Are you a beach or mountain person? A difficult question .. (laughs) ... I live in South Africa. ...
Naeema Hoosen
I've become a Mountain Person - Urabandai trip
Hello Everyone ! When I lived in Canada I was definately a beach person , I loved going to the seas...
The mountain or the beach? The mountain, of course!
I was born in Bogota Colombia, a city nestled right in the middle of the Andes, located 2,600 mts a...
Pilar Barrera