Breathtaking - so beautiful it takes your breath away!
Impeccable - flawless/perfect
Rich history - (not about money!) abundant / plentiful (豊か)
For starters - 'firstly' or 'first of all,'
I'm currently in Lake Como in the North of Italy for 10 days.
I'm here with my parents, youngest sister, and my husband, scouting for wedding venues for our wedding that will - hopefully - take place next year!
What is the big deal about Italy?
Italy is really amazing. I'll give you three simple reasons!
1 - It has breathtaking scenery.
2 - The food is impeccable.
Italy is known for high-quality fresh ingredients. They're also known for their very 'typical' Italian cuisine, but like in Japan, the cuisine is very different depending on where you are! In some places, they eat rabbits, and in others, fish.
Everything feels like a museum in Italy because most things are quite old and have a really rich history!
The great thing is they preserve a lot of their history and historical artefacts, and take care of maintaining these beautiful things - villas, houses, museums, artworks.
What are the COVID restrictions looking like in Europe?
Well, unlike in Japan, I think the restrictions here are actually stricter.
Although we don't have to quarantine (depending on where you're coming from), you do need to take PCR tests or get the vaccine to be allowed to do certain things!
For starters, you can't enter a restaurant unless you have either a COVID19 PCR test or proof of vaccination.
The same applies to any indoor space - gym, sauna, and etc.
That's it for now guys! I hope you enjoyed reading this short post about Italy.
Have you ever been to Italy? イタリアは行ったことがありますか?
If not, would you like to visit Italy one day in the future?
Thank you all for your kind comments! I hope you all manage to go there and enjoy the wonders that Italy has to offer!
Hi Yaya, Those are beautiful pictures! I've been to Firenze and Taormina. But that was twelve years ago. So, I forgot their impressions (^^; I'd like to visit Italy again.
Hi, Yara! Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of Italy. How beautiful! I've never been to Italy, and I would like to visit there someday. I want to try impeccable cuisine.
I really want to go to Italy someday. I've been to Miran and Rome before but just walked around down town Miran because my co-worker wanted to go shopping everytime.I wanted to get in touch with local people. If I can go Italy, I would like to enjoy some breathtaking views and nice foods.