A Popular Game You Would Play in Summer in Your Country.

今週のテーマ: 母国で夏に人気あるゲームについて教えてください。

Stephen Brivati

A Popular Game You Would Play in Summer in Your Country.

This is quite a difficult topic! In fact, to be honest, I am not quite sure how to answer it. The fact that the topic includes the word ‘summer’ suggests to me that we are talking about games that are typically played outside.

Unfortunately, the first thing that springs to mind is that these days young children seem to spend an awful lot of time playing video games indoors. As a result,  their level of overall health and development may be decreasing compared to previous generations.

I do remember that when I was at junior high school we would play a game called ‘British Bulldog,’ in the playground after lunch everyday. One person would stand in the middle of the netball courts and everyone else would line up at one end.  The person in the middle shouted ‘British Bulldog 123’ and everyone would try to run to the other end without being caught by the person in the middle. Of course, one person was usually caught so for the nest round -two- people would be standing in the middle.  We repeated this rather mindless procedure over and over until everyone had been caught.  I was big and fat in those days so although I couldn’t run very fast it was very hard to stop me getting past the wall of people in the middle. Actually, the game was often quite violent although I don’t remember anyone ever getting seriously hurt.

Have a great week,


PS Notice the grammar ‘We would~’ to talk about and action we repeated a lot in the past. This grammar is -not- in most textbooks but it is correct and native speakers use it a lot.




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