In 2023 I heard a lot of words that we often don't use on an everyday basis (at least for me), so I thought that I'd write about these words, learn what they mean, and how to use them in a sentence.
1. Side hustle- any type of job you take or start aside from your full-time job.
I needed a little bit of extra cash, so I started a side hustle.
2. Gaslighting- to manipulate someone and have them question their sanity.
His therapist kept gaslighting him into thinking he was going crazy so he could keep taking sessions!
3. Cringe- having an inside feeling of embarrassment and awkwardness.
His actions at the dinner party last night made me cringe.
What words would you like to learn in 2024? Check out my profile and let's see how I can help you with your English goals!
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