
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Ben Proctor 讲师的专栏

Don't say these words in the UK! イギリスでこの言葉を言わないでください!


I have a question for you, what is the British English word for 'sneakers'?

It's 'trainers'. Strange, right?

Although British English and American English are mostly the same, there are a lot of words that sound 'American' to British speakers.

Fashion is a good example where there are many differences.

For example:

American English: Sweater
British English: Jumper

American English: Pants
British English: Trousers (Pants means underwear in the UK)

Here are some more examples:

American English: Soccer
British English: Football (this is an important one!)

American English: Fries
British English: Chips (We also say 'fries' in the UK, but only for thin French fries)

American English: Potato Chips
British English: Crisps (Food is another topic where many words are different)

Knowing these word differences will make you sound more like a native Brit and less international. Check the pictures below for more examples!

If you want to know more about British English or British culture, check out my 'Learn about the UK' lesson below.

Any questions let me know!


