My insight about learning language


Hello everyone, this is Julie.

It's been two weeks since I've joined Cafetalk. I've always want to be a tutor because I think that the knowledge that I have should not be reserved just for myself. I admire the teachers I've met since I was a child until now. They've helped me become what I am now and I'm grateful for that. So I thought, I want to be the same teacher that can help someone succeed in something too. 

I came from Indonesia and I want more people to learn about the beauty of my country and it's language. Though you can't forget English because it's important to understand it so that you can communicate with lots of different people from different countries. Language is so complex but if you learn it with motivation and have some ambitions, like this month I want to be able to at least introduce myself and my surrounding fluently in certain language, you will have the urge to understand the language better than others who just want to learn new language just for fun. 

English is not my native language and I've been learning it since I was a child. I'm still learning it now too. So I think, by practicing using the language you want to learn with someone or writing it as a blog, you can steadily improve your proficiency of that language. So what are you waiting for? If you are keen in learning language, start right now!


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インドネシア語   ネイティブ
英語   流暢
日本語   日常会話程度


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