My morning routine - how many verbs and idioms can you identify?

今週のテーマ: モーニング・ルーティンはありますか?

Dan H

Each morning my alarm goes off at 7am.

I usually toss and turn during the night so sometimes I hit the snooze button.


But because I have a lot on my plate I can’t afford to lie in too long.


I whip up some breakfast for my children while they get ready for school.

They take a shower and throw on their school uniforms.


I make my daughter’s lunch box and try to include healthy food because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.


I jog my sons’ memories about their school bags and then pack them off onto their school bus.


Then I hit the road and drive my daughter to her school.

Usually we listen to some music (her choice – Taylor Swift) because otherwise she will annoy me with her back seat driving. 

After dropping her off, I rush home ready to get the ball rolling on my working day.

I down a quick cup of strong coffee, boot up my laptop and roll up my sleeves.

Image by Freepik


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英語   ネイティブ
フランス語   日常会話程度
日本語   カタコト

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