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Nanami Oyanagi

朝出かける前 Before going out in the morning 아침 나가기 전
リモートワークや家事の合間 While working or doing housework 일이나 집안일하는 짬짬
仕事や学校が終わったあと After work or school 일이나 학교가 끝난 후
✓ 休みの日にのんびり Holidays 쉬는 날에

You can take lesson anytime you're available.
여러분이 편하실때 언제든지 수강하실 수 있습니다.

Availeble Day: Almost Everyday from Monday to Sunday
레슨 가능한 날: 평일, 도일 상관없이 거의 맨날

レッスン可能時間:毎朝5時~夜中1時まで (日本時間)
Availeble Time:5AM in the morning to 1AM at night (Tokyo time)
레슨 가능한 시간: 아침 5시부터 밤 1시까지 (일본 시간)

Please check the detailed schedule when you book lesson.
자세한 스케줄은 레슨 신청 하실 때 확인하시길 바립니다.

▼▼Tutor's schedule in March▼▼
Blank...ALL DAY Availeble|×...OFFPM...Available from 12PM~6PM...Available until 6PM
19th...Cafetalk day|20th...Public Holiday in Japan

▼▼Tutor's schedule in Feburuary▼▼

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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