Word of the Day - Boggle

Brian R.

It's the weekend! Yay! Here is an English you may have heard before: boggle

The definition:

Boggle means to hesitate or shy away. It can also refer to a situation where something is overcome by fright or astonishment; hence why people say “it boggles the mind.”

This word is pretty common when talking about something interesting and difficult to understand like science, nature, actronomy (study of space) or anything that you may find very interesting.

Here are some more examples:

"It just boggles my mind how huge and vast the ocean is."

"She is so beautiful it is mind boggling."

"When I think about the stars and how vast outer space is it boggles my mind."

There you go. Practice this word in your next conversation! Have a great weekend everyone!

If you are interested in lessons where we use vocabulary like this then check out my profile! I hope to see you soon!

Brian R.


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