Wednesday talk ~


If your working hours make it difficult or if you have to travel regularly for work or are busy raising a family, you can use the flexibility of online classes to study when you have free time, and not have to worry about missing the old-style formal classroom lessons.

This great flexibility, live conversation classes 24-hours a day and a range of high-quality learning materials are some of the main reasons why learning on-line is now so popular ~ all around the world. As an example, when I was still living in Florida, I had a Japanese gentleman who wanted lessons, and he was living in Qatar -> how amazing is that combination!

Something else that I often suggest to my students (and readers), is that you can also practice your English by watching films/movies with subtitles or transcripts of the dialogue, watch TV, listen to the BBC radio station or just sing along to your favourite music CDs. When you are not feeling up to a formal lesson, how about you trying out a language game or read your daily horoscope, or even enter a contest to test your English!

There are vast amounts of opportunities for you to learn and practice everyday that are just a click away ~ so, study with your teacher and practice, practice, practice. Remember that “Nothing changes, if nothing Changes”, so just get it together and do it...!


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英語   ネイティブ
日本語   ネイティブ級
フランス語   日常会話程度
ドイツ語   日常会話程度
オランダ語   カタコト
スペイン語   カタコト


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