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Grammar Lessons

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Choose from my wide variety of grammar lessons for all ages and levels! Get regular homework and improve on your own as well as in class!




- 英語に自信がないビギナーの方も大歓迎です。
- 中、上級者の方は、間違いやすい文法を集中的に復習できます。
- 年齢制限はありませんが、基本的に全て英語で説明するので、簡単な英語(中学生英語レベル)が理解できれば問題ありません。


  1. 現在形
    - 1.1 am/is/are
    - 1.2 I am doing
    - 1.3 Are you doing?
    - 1.4 I do/work/like etc.
    - 1.5 I don't...
    - 1.6 Do you...?
    - 1.7 I am doing... and I do.
    - 1.8 I have... and I've got....
  2. 過去形
    - 2.1 was/were
    - 2.2 worked/got/went etc.
    - 2.3 I didn't... Did you...?
    - 2.4 I was doing
    - 2.5 I was doing... I did
  3. 現在完了形
    - 3.1 I have done
    - 3.2 I've just... I've already... I haven't...yet
    - 3.3 Have you ever...?
    - 3.4 How long have you...?
    - 3.5 for, since, ago
    - 3.6 I have done and I did
  4. 未来形
    - 4.1 What are you doing tomorrow?
    - 4.2 I'm going to...
    - 4.3 will/shall
  5. 冠詞
    - 5.1 a/an...
    - 5.2 train(s)  bus(es) (singular and plural)
    - 5.3 a bottle/ some water (countable and uncountable)
    - 5.4 a cake/some cake/some cakes
    - 5.5 a/an and the
    - 5.6 the...
    - 5.7 go to work   go home   go to the cinema
    - 5.8 I like music    I hate exams
    - 5.9 the... (names of places)
  6. 前置詞
    - 6.1 at 8 o'clock   on Monday    in April
    - 6.2 from...to    until   since    for
    - 6.3 before   after    during   while
    - 6.4 in at on (places)
    - 6.5 to in at (places)
    - 6.6 under, behind, opposite etc.
    - 6.7 up, over, through etc.
    - 6.8 on  at  by  with   about
    - 6.9 good at... interested in...etc.  of/at/for etc.
    - 6.10 listen to... look at... etc.
  7.  進行形と不定詞
    - 7.1 work/working   go/going   do/doing
    - 7.2 to... (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing)
    - 7.3 I want you to... I told you to...
    - 7.4 I went to the shop to...
  8. 受動態
    - 8.1 is done/ was done
    - 8.2 is being done/ has been done
  9. 動詞の変形
    - 9.1 be/have/do (present and past)
    - 9.2 regular and irregular verbs
  10. 助動詞と命令形
    - 10.1 might
    - 10.2 can and could
    - 10.3 must, mustn't, don't need to
    - 10.4 should
    - 10.5 I have to...
    - 10.6 Would you like...? I'd like...
    - 10.7 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do that!
    - 10.8 I used to...
  11. 疑問形
    - 11.1 Is it...? Have you...? Do they...?
    - 11.2 Who saw you? Who did you see?
    - 11.3 Who is she talking to? What is it like?
    - 11.4 What...? Which...? How...?
    - 11.5 How long does it take...?
    - 11.6 Do you know where...? I don't know what... etc.
  12. Thereit
    - 12.1 there is/ there are
    - 12.2 there was/were    there has/have been    there will be
    - 12.3 It...
  13. 準助動詞と付加疑問文
    - 13.1 I am/ I don't etc.
    - 13.2 Have you? Are you? Don't you? etc.
    - 13.3 too/either   so am I/ neither do I etc.
    - 13.4 isn't, haven't, don't etc. (negatives)
  14. 直接話法、間接話法
    - 14.1 She said that...  He told me that...
  15. Go, get, do, makehaveの使い方
    - 15.1 go to... go on... go for... go-ing
    - 15.2 get
    - 15.3 do and make
    - 15.4 have
  16. 人称代名詞
    - 16.1 I/me   he/him    them/they
    - 16.2 my/his/their etc.
    - 16.3 Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers etc.
    - 16.4 I/me/my/mine
    - 16.5 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
    - 16.6 -'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car etc.)
  17. 指示代名詞と限定詞
    - 17.1 this/that/these/those
    - 17.2 one/ones
    - 17.3 some and any
    - 17.4 not + any    no   none
    - 17.5 not +anybody/anyone/anything   nobody/no-one/nothing
    - 17.6 somebody/anything/nowhere etc.
    - 17.7 every and all
    - 17.8 all  most   some   any  no/none
    - 17.9 both   either   neither
    - 17.10 a lot   much   many
    - 17.11 (a) little   (a) few
  18. 形容詞と副詞
    - 18.1 old/nice/interesting etc...
    - 18.2 quickly/badly/suddenly etc.
    - 18.3 old/older  expensive/more expensive
    - 18.4 older than... more expensive than...
    - 18.5 not as...as
    - 18.6 the oldest   the most expensive
    - 18.7 enough
    - 18.8 too
  19. 単語の順序
    - 19.1 He speaks English very well
    - 19.2 always/usually/often etc.
    - 19.3 still   yet   already
    - 19.4 Give me that book! Give it to me!
  20. 接続詞と分節
    - 20.1 and/but/or/so/ because
    - 20.2 When...
    - 20.3 If we go... If you see... etc.
    - 20.4 If I had... If we went... etc.
    - 20.5 A person who... a thing that/which...
    - 20.6 The people we met... the hotel you stayed at
  21. 句動詞
    - 21.1 go in, fall off, run away etc.
    - 21.2 put on your shoes   pur your shoes on

22. 現在形と過去形
 - 22.1 Present continuous (I am doing)
     - 22.2 Present simple (I do)
     - 22.3 Present continuous and present simple
     - 22.4 Past simple
     - 22.5 Past continuous
23. 現在完了形と過去形
 - 23.1 Present perfect (I have done)
     - 23.2 Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)
     - 23.4 Present perfect continuous and simple
     - 23.5 How long have you been...?
     - 23.6 for and since    when...? and how long...?
     - 23.7 Present perfect and past (I have done and I did)
     - 23.8 Past perfect (I had done)
     - 23.9 Past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
     - 23.10 Have and have got
     - 23.11 Used to (do)
24. 未来形
   - 24.1 Present tenses (I am doing/I do)
     - 24.2 I'm going to (do)
     - 24.3 will and shall
     - 24.4 I will and I'm going to
     - 24.5 will be doing and will have done
     - 24.6 when I do and when I've done    if and when
25. 助動詞
     - 25.1 can, could and (be) able to
     - 25.2 could (do) and could have (done)
     - 25.3 must and can't
     - 25.4 may and might
     - 25.5 have to and must
     - 25.6 must    mustn't     needn't
     - 25.7 should
     - 25.8 I'd better...   it's time...
     - 25.9 would
     - 25.10 can/could/would you...? (requests)
26. IfとWish
     - 26.1 if i do... and   if i did...
     - 26.2 if I knew...   I wish I knew...
     - 26.3 if I had known...    I wish I had known...
     - 26.4 wish
27. 受動態
     - 27.1 Passive 1 (is done/was done)
     - 27.2 Passive 2 (be done/ been done/being done)
     - 27.3 Passive 3
     - 27.4 it is said that...    he is said to...    he is supposed to...
     - 27.5 have something done
28. 直接話法、間接話法
     - 28.1 Reported speech 1 -> he said that...
     - 28.2 Reported speech 2
29. 疑問形と準助動詞
     - 29.1 Questions 1
     - 29.2 Questions 2 (do you know where...?/ he asked me where...)
     - 29.3 Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so/ I hope so)
     - 29.4 Question tags (do you? Isn't it? etc.)
30. 進行形と不定詞
     - 30.1 Verb + ing (enjoy doing/ stop doing...etc.)
     - 30.2 Verb + to... (decide to.../ forget to... etc.)
     - 30.3 Verb (+object) + to (I want you to...)
     - 30.4 Verb + ing or to... (remember, regret etc)
     - 30.5 Verb + ing or to... (try, need, help)
     - 30.6 Verb + ing or to... (like, would like etc...)
     - 30.7 prefer and would rather
     - 30.8 Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + ing
     - 30.9 be/get used to... (I'm used to...)
     - 30.10 Verb + preposition + ing (succees in -ing/ insist on -ing etc)
     - 30.11 there's no point in -ing,    it's worth -ing   etc.
     - 30.12 to..., for..., and so that...
     - 30.13 Adjective + to
     - 30.14 to... (afraid to do) and preposition + ing (afraid of -ing)
     - 30.15 see somebody do  and    see somebody doing
     - 30.16 -ing clauses (He hurt his knee playing football)
     - 31.1 Countable and uncountable 1
     - 31.2 Countable and uncountable 2
     - 31.3 Countable nouns with a/an and some
     - 31.4 a/an  and    the
     - 31.5 the 1
     - 31.6 the 2 (school/ the school etc.)
     - 31.7 the 3 (children/ the children etc.)
     - 31.8 the 4 (the giraffe/ the telephone/ the old etc.)
     - 31.9 Names with and without the
     - 31.10 31.9 Names with and without the 2
     - 31.11 Singular and plural
     - 31.12 Noun + noun (a bus driver / a headache)
     - 31.13 -'s (your sister's name) and  of... (the name of the book)
32. 指示代名詞と限定詞
     - 32.1 myself/yourself/themselves etc.
     - 32.2 a friend of mine   my own house    on my own/by myself
     - 32.3 there... and it...
     - 32.4 some and any
     - 32.5 no/none/any    nothing/nobody etc.
     - 32.6 much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty
     - 32.7 all/ all of    most/most of     no/none of etc.
     - 32.8 both/ both of    neither/neither of    either/either of
     - 32.9 all   every   whole
33. 関係代名詞
     - 33.1 Clauses with who/that/which
     - 33.2 Clauses without  who/that/which
     - 33.3 whose/whom/where
     - 33.4 extra information clauses 1
     - 33.5 extra information clauses 2
     - 33.6 -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom)
34. 形容詞と副詞
     - 34.1 Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)
     - 34.2 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired
     - 34.3 Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/ quickly)
     - 34.4 Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well, fast, late, hard/hardly)
     - 34.5 so and such
     - 34.6 enough and too
     - 34.7 quite, pretty, rather and fairly
     - 34.8 Comparative 1 (cheaper, ore expensive etc.)
     - 34.9 Comparative 2 (much better/ any better etc.)
     - 34.10 Comparative 3 (as...as/ than)
     - 34.11 Superlative (the longest, the most enjoyable etc.)
     - 34.12 Word order 1: verb + object ; place and time.
     - 34.13 Word order 2: adverbs with ther verb
     - 34.14 still   anymore   yet   already
     - 34.15 even
35. 接続詞と前置詞
     - 35.1 although    though    even though   in spite of    despite
     - 35.2 in case
     - 35.3 unless    as long as    provided
     - 35.4 as (as I walked... / as I was... etc.)
     - 35.5 like and as
     - 35.6 like    as if
     - 35.7 during    for   while
     - 35.8 by and until     by the time...
36. 前置詞
     - 36.1 at/on/in (time)
     - 36.2 on time and in time      at the end and in the end
     - 36.3 in/at/on (position) 1
     - 36.4 in/at/on (position) 2
     - 36.5 in/at/on (position) 3
     - 36.6 to, at, in and into
     - 36.7 in/on/at (other uses)
     - 36.8 by
     - 36.9 Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of)
     - 36.10 Adjective + preposition 1
     - 36.11 Adjective + preposition 2
     - 36.12 Verb + preposition 1 to and at
     - 36.13 Verb + preposition 2 about/for/of/after
     - 36.14 Verb + preposition 3 about and of
     - 36.15 Verb + preposition 4 of/for/from/on
     - 36.16 Verb + preposition 5 in/into/with/to/on
37. 句動詞
     - 37.1 Introduction
     - 37.2 in/out
     - 37.3 out
     - 37.4 on/off (1)
     - 37.5 on/off (2)
     - 37.6 up/down
     - 37.7 up (1)
     - 37.8 up (2)
     - 37.9 away/back

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    TOEIC - Listening and Reading

    This lesson will prepare students for the TOEIC listening and reading exam.
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    Vocabulary Lesson Pack

    Learn new vocabulary in every lesson through fun matching tasks, fill in activities and more.
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    Grammar Lesson Pack

    This pack will give you the motivation and regular grammar lessons you need to become a fluent speaker of English. Choose from my wide variety of grammar lessons for all ages and levels! Get regular homework and improve on your own as well as in class!
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    Describe the Picture

    Practise for your speaking test, level up your speaking skills and fluency with this exciting lesson.
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    Pronunciation Lessons

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    Pronunciation Lessons

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    Casual Conversation VALUE PACK

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    News articles - Discuss and learn

    In this lesson, we practise reading comprehension, pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. You can learn new vocabulary and have interesting discussions about any news topic you're interested in!
    30   1,600P
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    Books and Novels: Read and Discuss

    In this lesson, we will practise pronunciation, speaking and reading comprehension skills, whilst also building your vocabulary. Why don't you challenge yourself to reading a book in English?!
    30   1,600P
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    Books and Novels: Read and Discuss

    Choose an English book or novel and read with me. I will correct your pronunciation and help you to understand the text.
    60 X 4   12,000P
    4回パック 1回あたり 3,000P
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    Watch TV and Learn English!

    The best way to learn English is by listening and speaking to real native English speakers! In this lesson, you can listen to examples of everyday natural English, gain new vocabulary and improve your speaking ability by talking about it with a native spe
    30   1,600P
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    Casual Conversation

    Sit down, relax, and enjoy a natural English conversation. Improve your English dramatically with regular conversations with a qualified teacher of English.
    30   1,500P
  • レッスンイメージ

    Casual Conversation

    Sit down, relax, and enjoy a natural English conversation. Improve your English dramatically with regular conversations with a qualified teacher of English.
    20   1,000P
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    Eiken Excellence! - Speaking Prep

    Get help with the speaking section of the Eiken test from an experienced native English teacher!
    30   1,900P
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    Let's Talk IELTS, TOEIC, EIKEN...

    Practise for the speaking section of your English Proficiency Test with a qualified and experienced English Teacher! I can provide you with all the tips and tricks to getting the best speaking score!
    30   1,900P
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    45   2,400P
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    Spoken English Recording

    Have your text read by a native English speaker from the UK. Tell me if you would like a slow, steady and easy to understand recording or a completely natural recording or BOTH! - Up to 500 words.
    0   500P
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    Editing and Proofreading

    I can proofread and edit your English! You can send me any type of document up to 500 words. I can make your English sound natural and professional!
    0   600P
  • レッスンイメージ

    Counselling Lesson (For New Students)

    Let's talk about your language goals, check your level and find the best lesson for you!
    15   500P
Hazel Taylor


16:00 06:30
16:00 06:30
16:00 06:30
16:00 06:30
16:00   17:00
20:00 06:30
Asia/Tokyo 時間で表示。
Grammar Lessons

Hazel Taylor

