IELTS Preparation

2,500 ポイント
Preparing for the IELTS Exam


In this lesson we prepare for the IELTS exam. I will explain the whole IETLS exam and the different sections, then we can practice each section and focus on the sections where there are some troubles and I will give some helpful tips to get a higher score.
We will practice the speaking section, go over the different sections and topics they can ask you about and practice giving timely and correct answers. Depending on the students' needs we can also do listening and reading exercises to prepare for the listening and reading sections.
I give writing homework that the student can do at home, and time themselves,  then send back to me to check, make corrections and give helpful tips.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。

