MEETINGS 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

55 X 5
10,000 ポイント
1回あたり 2,000 ポイント
Meetings can be daunting, and I am here to help you get over those meeting nerves, speaking in public, in English. It is scary and the fear is real. So this pack will cover: Getting down to business, Getting involved in meetings, Managing a meeting, Bra


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Hello and welcome! 
It is a pleasure to "meet" you
This pack consists of 3 lessons based on English Meetings and will help you in your day to day life, not just business meetings.
Lesson 1:
The beginning of a meeting presents a major dilemma: is it better to get straight down to business, or is it important to allow oreven encourage small talk? The texts in this lesson present arguments from opposing viewpoints, which may help students to question their own assumptions. The lesson goes on to introduce useful language for both small talk and getting down to business, with practice in the form of role-plays.

  • To discuss the importance and drawbacks of small talk at meetings;
  • o teach some useful phrases for small talk;
  • To teach some useful phrases for starting a meeting;
  • To provide practice and feedback of the situation of starting a meeting.

Lesson 2: 

Many learners of English worry about their mistakes and allow their insecurities to prevent them from participating in meetings fully. This lesson provides reassurance that such insecurities are very common and normal. It also presents some strategies for increasing their confidence and ability to participate actively in meetings in English. The lesson also warns students that they themselves are responsible for overcoming this barrier to communication. There is also some guidance for learners with the opposite problem: overconfidence and dominance. It is suitable for a wide range of professional contexts, not just businesspeople.

  • To learn and practise some strategies to increase participation and co-operation in meetings in English.
  • To raise awareness of common problems and strategies.
  • To introduce and practice useful phrases for interrupting and clarifying.
Lesson 3: 
This lesson focuses on two important aspects of managing a meeting: setting up the meeting with a series of emails, and keep the meeting under control.
  • To study the language and techniques of setting up a meeting by email.
  • To practise setting up an email by email.
  • To study some useful phrases and techniques for managing a meeting.
  • To provide practice and feedback of the situation of managing a meeting.
Lesson 4: 
Since its development in the 1950s, brainstorming has become one of the most common techniques used in meetings to generate ideas. However, despite its clear benefits, the technique has its faults and many improvements have been suggested and analysed. This lesson aims to provide practice of brainstorming at the same time as exploring possible improvements. The second half of the lesson focuses on the necessary follow-up to brainstorming: evaluating ideas. This means the lesson covers two of the key language functions of meetings: making suggestions and agreeing/disagreeing.
  • To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of brainstorming as a technique for generating ideas.
  • To teach some useful phrases for making suggestions, agreeing and disagreeing.
  • To provide practice and feedback of the situations of brainstorming and evaluating ideas.
Lesson 5: 
For many people, a meeting is only as successful as the Action Points it produces. Action Points are essential for moving things forward between meetings, and provide a focus both for the closing of one meeting and the opening of the next meeting. This lesson looks in some detail at what makes a successful Action Point. There is also a focus on the various steps involved in bringing a meeting to a successful close.
  • To discuss five key questions for Action Points.
  • To teach and practise some useful phrases for volunteering for and delegating Action Points.
  • To teach some useful phrases for closing a meeting.
  • To provide practice and feedback of the situations of closing a meeting.
Thank you for your time and consideration!  I look forward to teaching you!

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