Alanna Sensei Pronunciation with L and R (LとRの発音)
直近受講日時: 1ヶ月以上前

Pronunciation with L and R (LとRの発音)

2,000 ポイント
Learn how to use pronunciation the correct way!(はっきりとした発音を練習する事によって英会話に自信がつきます。LとRを中心に発音をおさえていきましょう!)


Learning how to pronounce words correctly when communicating is very important, but some letters such as L and R can be a little tricky. 
I'll choose Minimal Pair Exercises and Tongue Twisters for you to practice. Don't worry, I will take my time to make sure you understand everything. After taking my lesson you will leave feeling happy and confident. 

In this lesson I will teach you how to pronounce various words with letters such as:

Lesson #1: Pronunciation with L and R sounds
Lesson #2: Pronunciation with B and V sounds
Lesson #3: Pronunciation with T and D sounds
Lesson #4: Pronunciation with S and TH sounds

This lesson is great for students of all levels. 

If you have any special requests please feel free to contact me in advance before the requested lesson date. I will create practice worksheets and activities for you to study after our lesson. I will also make corrections on your speech and pronunciation during our lesson as well.  
Thank you and happy learning! :)

"Do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest."

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