Debbie Chow Does This Statement Describe You? II

Does This Statement Describe You? II

2,000 ポイント
Let's talk about past and current situations


Let's discuss whether the following discussions describe us by answering:
Does this statement describe you?
People often accuse me of things I haven't done.
Lying to and misleading people isn't as bad as it's made out to be. We all do it, all the time.
People often resent the way I boss them around.
I put considerable effort into presenting myself in a way that will make people admire me.
Sometimes people smile at me in the street and I don't really know why.
My ideas are ahead of their time.
I often get into situations with other people where they end up hurting or disappointing me.
I wear more colorful and more extravagant clothes and/or make-up than others.
When I am with other people, I am constantly anticipating criticism and attacks from others.

カフェトークの キャンセルポリシー


  • いつでも無料キャンセル可能。


  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間以上前→ いつでもキャンセル可能。
  • レッスン開始時刻の24時間未満→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。
  • レッスンに現れなかった場合→ キャンセル料がかかる場合があります。

