Malcolm Taylor Beginners lesson on how to use common adjectives to describe things.

Beginners lesson on how to use common adjectives to describe things.

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Suitable for beginner English level students.

In this lesson students will use some common adjectives to describe things and sing a catchy song about describing animals.

Do you want to become an interesting English speaker? When we describe something we create vived ideas for the listener by using sensory details that paint a picture and appeal to all listeners senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste when appropriate. 

The ability to explain things clearly and effectively can help you in your career, as well.

Lesson Procedure:

1. Warm Up - Student and I will begin with simple introductions. Guiding student on the correct way to make an introduction. 

2. Presentation - Vocabulary introduction with vocabulary worksheet. 
I will introduce the following adjectives by giving the student a worksheet with  to quess their names. with a simple speaking activity added to9 evaluate students understanding.
'big, cheap, sharp, beautiful, tall, heavy, slow, delicious etc...

3. Play Adjectives Pictionary -  With the use of my white board I will start by drawing the pictures and acting out certain gestures whilst student uses worksheet to guess the correctname of the action I'm acting out. 

The vocabulary: 
 thin / fat snakes 
 big / small houses 
 fast / slow snails 
 long / short carrots 
 strong / weak animals (e.g. dogs, lions, elephants, etc.)

4. Sing "Let’s Look at the Animals (Adjectives Song)" - student listens and/ or sings with to the adjectives song. 

5. Do the "Opposite adjectives worksheet'' -
I will send student the worksheet for the lesson. student draws the opposites. 
(e.g. What is this?, Is this a slow horse?, etc.).

6. Read classroom reader - "Where the sidewalk ends." 
Ending the lesson with a fun story.

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