Empiricism. We will read Pierre Gassendi, Robert Boyle, Locke, Hume and Berkeley primarily. This course will be made available upon requests by the students.
Locke, Hume and Berkeley
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 1-12時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Translation from English to Japanese (and vice versa)
Translation and subtitling: price to be discussed0分 0P -
Talking about Japanese Culture
For those who are considering visiting Japan (especially Osaka/Kyoto)40分 1,600P -
Philosophy on Relationships
Thinking about relationships and how/if/when long distance relationships work etc...40分 2,000P -
Philosophical Ideas
Free-style Talk on topics in history, ideas and cultural issues. This is an especially good lesson for students who want to learn Japanese/English/Philosophy all at the same time! Price to be discussed.30分 0P -
For those who are semi-fluent in Japanese to brush up their Japanese or to practice so that they won't forget. Recommended for those who are going to Japan for work or for school, or those who have returned from Japan.50分 2,500P -
English Conversation: on Philosophy and History
哲学や歴史、文学やアカデミックなトピックについて英語で楽しく話しませんか?50分 2,000P体験あり -
Intro to History of Philosophy (1)
We will read Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Galen, Epicurus, and the Stoics.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Intro to History of Philosophy (2)
Scholastic philosophy in the medieval period. This course will be made available upon requests from students.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Intro to History of Philosophy (3)
Rationalism. Introductory course to understand one of the most important philosophers of all time. You will be introduced to the philosophy of Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza and Leibniz.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Intro to History of Philosophy (5)
Scientific Revolution. Pre-requisite: Intro to History of Philosophy (1) and (3). Contents, T.B.A.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle
You will be introduced to some of the basic writings of Aristotle. Anyone who wants to understand Aristotle is welcome.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Intro to Philosophy: Plato
We will read Five Dialogues, the Republic and Symposium as well as Timaeus to understand the basics of Plato's philosophy.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Early Modern Philosophy: Matter Theory and Embryology
We will study philosophy of science in Early Modern Europe. If after human body dies, insects come out of the human corpse, does that mean there was a form of those insects already in the human body? When does the human soul begin? We will investigate the60分 3,000P体験あり -
Philosophy of Medicinal Cannibalism
We will survey the medieval to Early Modern period when human bodies were believed to offer us the ultimate cure. This is a course in which both historical and philosophical justifications for such acts are investigated.60分 3,000P体験あり -
Philosophy of Matter Theory and Alchemy
You will learn the "other side" of scientific revolution. Alchemy was an essential disciple in natural philosophy for the advancement of modern science. We will read primary and secondary readings on alchemical thoughts and chymical principles i60分 3,000P体験あり -
Philosophy Tutor, Essay Editing and Proofreading
Need help with philosophy and writing papers? I am an experienced grader and an editor for academic essays for undergraduates. We can also discuss about the concepts you are having hard time to grasp with so I can help you to get to the core arguments of50分 3,000P体験あり -
For those who are semi-fluent in Japanese to brush up their Japanese or to practice so that they won't forget. Recommended for those who are going to Japan for work or for school, or those who have returned from Japan.90分 3,500P -
Beginner's Level Japanese (1)
In this lesson, you will be introduced to some of the most basic Japanese grammar to be able to form and understand simple sentences.90分 3,500P体験あり -
Elementary Level Japanese (2)
Prerequisite: Beginner's Level Japanese. You will be introduced to the complex/compound sentences and more advanced grammar.90分 3,500P体験あり -
Intermediate Japanese (3)
You will be introduced to kanji as well as new grammar encountered through reading texts. JLPT N5 & N490分 4,500P体験あり -
Advanced Level (4)
You will learn kanji up to the 3rd grade level. You will also be ready to pass JLPT N3 in this course.90分 5,000P体験あり