French exam training
We will use your support book together and take step by step the way to pass the exam or test in French at any level.
Cafetalk's cancellation policy
Before request is confirmed (fixed)
- Cancellation possible at any time without charge.
After request is confirmed (fixed)
- More than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ Cancellation is possible at any time.
- Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
No-Show→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
(Please check with the tutor for details.)
Lessons by this tutor
Approfondir son Français
Etudes plus poussé concernant le langage de la vie de tous les jours Répondre aux questions de l'élève sur les points non compris.45min 1,500P -
Base du Français / French basics
Short presentation about yourself, and your environment. Working on basics words, such as everyday life words. Correct French pronounciation training.30min 1,000P -