This is a five-lesson pack of my 40-minute free talk session. Let's talk about anything in English for 40 minutes!
Customised lesson according to your level and interests
Write a journal daily for 15 days and see your writing skills gradually improve. Improve grammar, vocabulary and sentence structures with daily writing practice.
NAVER 회화 수업을 통해 회화, 문법, 단어를 공부해 봅시다. (초급,중급,상급 모두 가능)
ある程度日本語の基礎を学ばれた方で、日本語の物語や戯曲を読んでみたい方が対象です。 声を出して日本語を読み、内容について話し合うことで会話の練習にもなりますし、物語の背景にある日本の文化や習慣を知ることもできます。 これはレッスンパックです。
This class is based on discussing famous people and interpreting their inspirational quotes. Intermediate/upper intermediate
Do you love music? Then this lesson is for you! We will have fun while studying English and listening to music.
A current events-based lesson where we read some of the hottest topics going on in today's world.
Premium service to quickly increase your IELTS Speaking score.
誰かとお話したい人☆気軽に楽しく♪ともだちみたいに話してみよう♪ Take it easy & Feel free☆
《初級レベル》ゼロ基礎からでも大丈夫! 初めての中国語はここから!
Get your written personal own texts in French reviewed and corrected by a native speaker ! Up to 150 words
『できる韓国語 初級1』の教科書を使って、基礎から楽しく、しっかり勉強しましょう!^^ 「初めからネイティブの先生に習うのはちょっと…」と心配な方へ。^^* 日本人講師が、日本人目線で丁寧にご説明します。 楽しい韓国語の世界を、一緒に味わってみませんか?
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
kazue ishibashi
Bien III
Dan H
Greg R
Mayuko. Sa
Andrew Teacher
Izumi W